List of Berliner Morgenpost Journalists and Reporters

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Berliner Morgenpost is a German newspaper, based and mainly read in Berlin, where it is one of the most read daily newspapes.
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Berliner Morgenpost Journalists

1. Beate Kranz

Designation Business Editor Author Bio Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Verbraucher - Journalistin Funke Mediengruppe
Twitter @BeateKranz Get Email Contact

2. Christian Kerl

Designation Journalist Author Bio Journalist. Berichtet als Brüsseler Korrespondent der Funke-Mediengruppe/Zentralredaktion über die EU und die Nato.
Twitter @ChKerl Get Email Contact

3. F. Anthea Schaap

Designation Photographer Get Email Contact

4. Felix Müller

Designation Head of Culture Author Bio Ressortleiter Kultur @morgenpost.
Twitter @felixmueller Get Email Contact

5. Isabell Jürgens

Designation Writer Author Bio Schreibt in der Berliner Morgenpost über Bauen und Abreißen
Twitter @IJuergens Get Email Contact

6. Jason Blaschke

Designation Online - Editor Get Email Contact

7. Jennifer Kalischewski

Designation Online Editor Author Bio Online-Redakteurin in der Funke Zentralredaktion Berlin @FunkeBerlin
Twitter @kalijenarell Get Email Contact

8. Joachim Fahrun

Designation Chief Reporter Author Bio Chefreporter der Berliner Morgenpost, berichtet über Politik und Wirtschaft aus Berlin, fast nie privat
Twitter @JoachimFahrun Get Email Contact

9. Julian Würzer

Designation Writer Author Bio Reporter Berlin @morgenpost, davor @AZ_Augsburg
Twitter @wurzer_julian Get Email Contact

10. Christian Unger

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter @morgenpost @abendblatt @waz_redaktion Threema-ID: FHX2JPZ9 über Flucht // Extremismus // Kriminologie
Twitter @KryzUnger Get Email Contact

11. Sebastian Köhler

Designation Online Editor Get Email Contact