List of Brantford Expositor Journalists and Reporters

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The Brantford Expositor is an English language newspaper based in Brantford, Ontario and owned by Postmedia. It provides the readers with coverage of local news, sports and events to the community as well as coverage of provincial, national and international news.
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Brantford Expositor Journalists

1. Brian Smiley

Designation Reporter Author Bio Covering the Brant County sports scene for The Brantford Expositor since 1999.
Twitter @EXPbsmiley Get Email Contact

2. Brian Thompson

Designation Multimedia Journalist and Photographer Author Bio Multimedia Journalist/Photographer (37 yrs!) at The Expositor, the Postmedia daily newspaper in Brantford, ON. Also love to shoot trains. Lifelong Rush fan.
Twitter @EXPbthompson Get Email Contact

3. Celeste Percy-Beauregard

Designation Contributor Get Email Contact

4. Michelle Ruby

Designation Journalist Author Bio Covering education and entertainment for The Expositor in Brantford.
Twitter @EXPMichelle Get Email Contact

5. Gary Chalk

Designation Columnist Get Email Contact

6. Kim Novak

Designation Managing Editor Author Bio Managing Editor of the Brantford Expositor, Simcoe Reformer, Paris Star and Norfolk & Tillsonburg News
Twitter @KimReformer1 Get Email Contact

7. Michael-Allan Marion

Designation Multimedia Journalist Author Bio Multimedia Journalist at The Expositor.
Twitter @expMarion Get Email Contact

8. Sam Colaiacovo

Designation News Editor Twitter @Prat01a Get Email Contact

9. Susan Gamble

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporting on general news and court cases in Brantford, Simcoe and, occasionally, further afield. Tweeting about anything that amuses me. ****
Twitter @EXPSGamble Get Email Contact

10. Tim Philp

Designation Science Columnist Author Bio
Twitter @timphilp Get Email Contact

11. Vincent Ball

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter for the Brantford Expositor.
Twitter @EXPVBall Get Email Contact