List of Brooklyn Eagle Journalists and Reporters

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The Brooklyn Eagle was an afternoon daily newspaper published in the city and later borough of Brooklyn, in New York City, for 114 years from 1841 to 1955. At one point, the publication was the afternoon paper with the largest daily circulation in the United States.
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Brooklyn Eagle Journalists

1. Andrew Cotto

Designation Columnist Author Bio Award-winning #author and a regular contributor to @nytimes. Editor-in-Chief of Italian America mag. Lives to eat. Fun at parties.
Twitter @andrewcotto Get Email Contact

2. Dozier Hasty

Designation Publisher and Owner Get Email Contact

3. Jaime DeJesus

Designation Reporter Author Bio Proud father, husband, dog owner. Lover of Mets, movies, gaming, and pork chops. Digital Editor and reporter for @bkreporter. Reporter for Brooklyn Eagle
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4. JT Torenli

Designation Sports Editor Get Email Contact

5. Mary Frost

Designation Writer and Editor Get Email Contact

6. Michaela Keil

Designation Managing Editor, Special Projects Author Bio Editor of Bluedot Living Brooklyn and Managing Editor, Special Projects @bkeagle
Twitter @mkeil16 Get Email Contact

7. Peter Stamelman

Designation Film, Theater and Dance Writer Author Bio Ex - William Morris, CAA talent agent, current Senior Film, Theater & Dance Writer, Brooklyn Eagle, balletomane, photography collector.
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8. Raanan Geberer

Designation Writer and Editor Twitter @rgeberer (129 Followers) Get Email Contact

9. Rob Abruzzese

Designation Legal Editor Author Bio CUNY grad, Touro Law Center student
Twitter @RobAbruzzese Get Email Contact

10. Scott Enman

Designation Senior Reporter Author Bio Words: @BklynEagle, @NYTimes, @BrooklynMag, @Mixmag Sometimes I DJ
Twitter @ScottEnman2 Get Email Contact