List of Democrat and Chronicle Journalists and Reporters
Democrat and Chronicle Journalists
1. Michael Kilian
Designation Executive Editor Author Bio Executive Editor of @DandC -- my hometown newspaper. New York state editor for @USATODAY Network.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @kilian_roc (3.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
2. Tina MacIntyre-Yee
Designation Multimedia Journalist Author Bio I cover just about everything and sometimes even write stories. I see myself as a multimedia journalist, reporting the story many ways; words, photos and video. My favorite way of reporting the story though is visually. My other "job" is a Girl Scout leader. I love introducing new things to the troop, showing them that it doesn't matter how young you are, you can make a difference. I also like to impress on them that "boy" activities or interests can also be girl activities and interests. In many ways it's a parallel to how I approach journalism. Stories aren't just about segment of the community, it's about everyone.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @tyee23 (5.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @tinayee23 Get Email Contact
3. Genae Shields
Designation Reporter Author Bio Genae Shields is a Revisiting Rochester Narrative Fellow. Contact Genae at ****
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @genaebri (94 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @genaebriphoto Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
4. Tracy Schuhmacher
Designation Food And Drink Reporter Author Bio Tracy Schuhmacher covers the Rochester and Finger Lakes food and drink scenes. After earning her journalism degree from Marquette University, she worked in advertising and public relations, raised two sons, worked at a local farm, competed in cooking contents and wrote a food blog. She has been writing for the D&C since 2012, when she contributed free-lance restaurant reviews and cooking articles. She joined the D&C as a full-time reporter in 2015. She is holds a Level 3 Wine certification from the Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET). She also is a storytelling coach for the Roches...ter Storytellers Project.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @rahchachow (6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @rahchachow Get Email Contact
5. Kayla Canne
Designation Community Justice And Safety Reporter Author Bio Kayla Canne reports on community justice and safety efforts for the Democrat and Chronicle. A Rochester native, Canne spent a year investigating housing discrimination in New Jersey through a fellowship with Report for America, and lived at a Deaf school in Ghana for two years while serving in the Peace Corps. She is a proud Coda (Child of Deaf Adults) and, beyond journalism, enjoys playing creatively with pottery and batik.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @kaylacanne (872 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
6. Marcia Greenwood
Designation Rochester Now Reporter Author Bio I am a news curator, a reporter and a copy editor
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @marciagreenwood (2.3K Followers) Get Email Contact
7. Robert Bell
Designation Changing Neighborhoods & Cultural Trends Reporter Author Bio Robert Bell is a writer, photographer, and filmmaker. Born in Rochester, NY, Rob grew up in Philadelphia and studied film in Los Angeles. After years of freelance photography, videography, and blogging for online media outlets, Rob hopes to fuse writing, photography, and video into comprehensive multimedia journalism that serves Rochester's communities
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @byrobbell (2.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @byrobbell Get Email Contact
8. Sean Lahman
Designation Watchdog Reporter Author Bio I cover public safety and data-driven stories in Rochester and as part of statewide and national investigative teams. Prior to joining the D&C staff, I was a reporter with the New York Sun, and earlier served as an editor of a number of best-selling sports encyclopedias – including Total Baseball: The Official Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball and The ESPN Pro Football Encyclopedia. I also spent eight years working in the research labs at Eastman Kodak.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @seanlahman (25K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @seanlahman Get Email Contact
9. Justice Marbury
Designation Reporter Author Bio As soon as Justice entered the world of photojournalism, she knew that she had to create work where her voice would be heard; her voice, the voice of a Black individual, and the voice of a woman. She knew that this was an industry which for a long time has used outsider voices to tell the stories about communities of people like her. She became frustrated by this absence in the field of visual storytellers. After learning that she could combine her passions of community, art, education, and intellectual conversation to promote change, Justice put her frustrations towards a desire to impact cha...nge. She began to create works that have focused on struggles, stereotypes, and prejudices that her community has faced on a daily basis, while also celebrating Black excellence and culture.more
Gender Female Author Profile LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @justice_marbury Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
10. James Johnson
Designation High School Sports Reporter Author Bio James covers high school sports, and looks at issues on and off the field, inside and away from arenas. He is a Rochester native who has worked full-time at the Democrat and Chronicle since the fall of 1996. His ties to the media company go back to 1990, during the summer before his senior year at Edison in the Rochester City School District.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @jjdandc (6.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
11. Victoria E. Freile
Designation Reporter Author Bio Victoria Freile covers a bit of everything for the Democrat and Chronicle, including breaking news, crime, active recreation and business. A reporter with Gannett for nearly 25 years, Victoria has received numerous writing and multimedia awards. A Pennsylvania native and Penn State University graduate, Victoria started her journalism career with Gannett in Ithaca in 1999. Victoria is a former competitive swimmer and rower-turned-runner. She's rowed the Head of the Charles three times and completed seven marathons and many shorter races. She loves to travel and has visited every continent excep...t Antarctica. Victoria lives in a 200-year-old farm house in Penfield with her family.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @vfreile (6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @vfreile Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
12. Marquel Slaughter
Designation Sports Reporter Author Bio Reporter • @DandC • @USATODAY • Greatest Eagle Rugby player of all time • ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @marquelsports (3.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @marquelsports Get Email Contact
13. Justin Murphy
Designation Education Reporter Author Bio I cover education in the Rochester area, with an emphasis on the Rochester City School District. I've worked at the Democrat and Chronicle since 2012 and before that was a reporter for The Citizen in Auburn, New York. I grew up in Penfield and attended the University of Chicago and the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. I live with my wife and children in the Cobbs Hill neighborhood.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @citizenmurphy (8.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
14. Gary Craig
Designation Reporter Author Bio Gary Craig is a member of the Democrat and Chronicle’s Watchdog team, and focuses on public safety and criminal justice. He has worked at Rochester newspapers since 1990, covering City Hall, politics and federal courts before joining the newspaper’s investigative team. He has won state and national investigative writing awards. He is married with two daughters.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @gcraig1 (9.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
15. Adria R. Walker
Designation Storytelling Reporter Author Bio Adria R. Walker is the Upstate New York storytelling reporter for the USA Today Network's New York State Team. Follow her on Twitter at @adriawalkr or send her an email at **** This reporting is made possible by readers like you.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @adriawalkr (5.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @adriawalkr Get Email Contact
16. Amorette Miller
Designation Growth & Development Reporter Author Bio Amorette covers growth & development and housing topics. For two years she freelanced with the D&C and covered careers and human resources in a column and video series called Workers ROC. Amorette earned a master's degree in public administration from SUNY Brockport where she adjunct teaches labor relations. She lives with her son and husband in Greece, NY.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @amorettemiller (2.2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
17. Steve Orr
Designation Watchdog Reporter Author Bio I'm a watchdog reporter, meaning I try to focus my attention on institutions and people who engage in activities that affect the public and who may, at times, prefer that details of those activities not see the light of day. Over a long career here at the Democrat and Chronicle, I've written countless investigative and explanatory stories. Some have had major impact on the community. Others may have touched only a handful of people. All of them were important in their own way. Among areas of specialty are environment, weather and climate, transportation, infrastructure and energy
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @sorr1 (2.9K Followers) Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
18. Emily Barnes
Designation New York State Team Consumer Advocate Reporter Author Bio I cover consumer-related topics for the USA TODAY Network's New York State team. My previous experience includes the Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin. I'm a Binghamton native and graduated from Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and Binghamton University
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @byemilybarnes (324 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @byemilybarnes Get Email Contact
19. Madeline Lathrop
Designation Reporter Author Bio Madeline Lathrop is a Democrat and Chronicle "Revisiting the Rochester Narrative" fellow. Her work has been published by both local and national publications such as The New York Times. Follow her on LinkedIn @madeline-lathrop, Instagram @madeline.lathrop, and Twitter @LathropMadeline.
Gender Female Author Profile LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @madeline.lathrop Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
20. Sarah Taddeo
Designation New York State Team Editor Author Bio I lead a team of New York state reporters covering everything from healthcare to transportation to consumer rights. I joined the Democrat and Chronicle in 2014. Previous experience includes the Democrat and Chronicle and Syracuse Media Group. I'm a Syracuse native and graduated from Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @sjtaddeo (3.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
21. William Ramsey
Designation Enterprise Editor Author Bio William Ramsey is an editor with USA TODAY Network-Northeast who leads enterprise and investigative reporters in Rochester and the region on projects. His home newsroom is the Democrat & Chronicle. Ramsey travels for reporting and editing, based out of Virginia. He's driven many of the Network's big collaborative projects about health and public safety. In Virginia, his team exposed addicted nurses stealing patient narcotics and inspired legislators to change state law to mandate criminal background checks for licensure. In S.C., he led a deep civil forfeiture investigation called TAKEN sparked immediate bipartisan push for reform. In NC, he guided reporters from five newsrooms as they uncovered shocking abuses in the youth psychiatric center system, leading to a landmark civil rights class-action lawsuit.more
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22. Shawn Dowd
Designation Staff Photographer Author Bio I am from Argyle, Washington County. I grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York where at one time, there we more cows than people in my town. I have been at the Democrat and Chronicle for over 20 years and am a graduate of SUNY Potsdam. I lives in Rochester and love to fish, hike everywhere, but mostly in the Adirondacks, go to live music events, and explore the world every chance I get. I'm a member of the Adirondack 46ers, and plan to take on the Cranberry 50 next (hopefully).
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @sdowdphoto (2.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @sdowdphoto Get Email Contact
23. Sal Maiorana
Designation Buffalo Bills Columnist Author Bio I have worked at the D&C since 1986 and have covered the Buffalo Bills for more than three decades. I am also a regular guest on local radio and television shows, I have a podcast called Buffalo Bills Breakdown, and I also have a passion for sports history and write often on a variety of topics across all sports.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @salmaiorana (29K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
24. Jamie Germano
Designation Photographer Author Bio Jamie Germano, has been a photographer at the Democrat and Chronicle since 1987 after working at three other newspapers. He is a graduate of St. John Fisher College and lives in Webster with his wife, Mary Ellen, and two cats. His daughter Kate works at CAA (Creative Artists Agency) in Nashville, Tennessee, while his other daughter Emma is also a graduate of Belmont University, and working at National Shows 2 in Nashville.
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @jgermano1 (3.2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @jgerm01 Get Email Contact
25. Ryan Miller
Designation Digital Producer Author Bio Producer @USATODAY Broadcast Journalism @SyracuseU My dog Griffey is in @subaru_usa commercials Someone else probably shares these opinions.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @ryanmiller_ (719 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link YouTube Channel link Get Email Contact
26. Scott Norris
Designation News Director Author Bio Consumer Experience Director for D&C Digital. 3 great kids, 1 awesome wife, 2 beautiful grandchildren.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @snorris85 (1.2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @snorris85 Get Email Contact
27. Bill Wolcott
Designation Digital Producer Author Bio Bill is a producer at the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. He has helped cover communities in central and western New York for more than two decades. A Chili resident, Bill is a member of St. Chrisptopher's Church in North Chili, where he serves as a eucharistic minister. He is a graduate of Broome Community College in Binghamton and Buffalo State College. Bill loves the outdoors and hikes year-round in various county and state parks in addition to the Finger Lakes Trail. He is also the doggy dad of two German shepherds that were abandoned by previous owners.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @billwlcott (555 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
28. Adrian Kraus
Designation Photographer Author Bio sports • editorial • documentary photographer
Twitter @akoPhoto1 Get Email Contact
29. Alan Morrell
Designation Freelance Writer Get Email Contact
30. April Santana
Designation Reporter Author Bio reporter for @dandc | previous: @azcentral @lavozaz | @NAHJ
Twitter @Santana_April_ Get Email Contact
31. Daniel Norselli
Designation Publisher Get Email Contact
32. Jim Memmott
Designation Columnist Author Bio Democrat and Chronicle Remarkable Rochester columnist, adjunct professor University of Rochester
Twitter @jimmemmott Get Email Contact
33. Missy Rosenberry
Designation Webster Community Blogger and Columnist, Our Towns Author Bio Webster community blogger and former Our Towns columnist for the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, keeping tabs on Webster happenings.
Twitter @Missyblog Get Email Contact
34. Tom Sudore
Designation Digital Editor Author Bio Real Time Editor at @DandC. Content Curator and Distribution Specialist. Dad. Coffee Drinker.
Twitter @TomSudore Get Email Contact
35. Victoria Freile
Designation Breaking News Reporter Author Bio Breaking news reporter for @dandc/@usatoday Mama, #Marathoner, rower, runner, swimmer @penn_state grad ???? ****
Twitter @vfreile (6K Followers) Get Email Contact