List of Frankfurter Rundschau Journalists and Reporters
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The Frankfurter Rundschau is a German daily newspaper, based in Frankfurt am Main. The Rundschau's editorial stance is social liberal. It holds that "independence, social justice and fairness" underlie its journalism. In Post-war Germany, Frankfurter Rundschau was for decades a leading force of German press.
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Frankfurter Rundschau Journalists
1. Antje Mathez
Designation Business Editor Get Email Contact
2. Arne Löffel
Designation Journalist Get Email Contact
3. Frank-Thomas Wenzel
Designation Business Correspondent Get Email Contact
4. Friederike Meier
Designation Politics and Climate Editor Author Bio Klima und Politik, Mitgründerin @klimareport
Twitter @frie_meier Get Email Contact
5. Joachim Wille
Designation Freelance Journalist Get Email Contact
6. Tobias Schwab
Designation Economics Editor Get Email Contact