List of Independent Australia Journalists and Reporters

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Independent Australia is a progressive journal focusing on politics, democracy, the environment, Australian history and Australian identity. It contains news and opinion from Australia and around the world.
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Independent Australia Journalists

1. Michelle Pini

Designation Managing Editor Author Bio Michelle Pini is Independent Australia's managing editor as well as a Melbourne freelance writer and broadcaster. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications. Michelle holds a Master of Communication and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences. Her prior marketing career within the wine industry spanned over 20 years and included corporate management roles as well as her own marketing consultancy.
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2. Tina Casey

Designation Author Author Bio Tina Casey has been writing about sustainability, the global energy transition and related matters since 2009. She is a regular contributor to CleanTechnica and Triple Pundit, where she also focuses on corporate social responsibility and social issues.
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3. Sue Arnold

Designation Journalist Author Bio Ex Fairfax investigative journalist, environmental activist focused on marine issues, koalas, underwater noise, corrupt govts and media
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @koalacrisis (788 Followers) Get Email Contact

4. John Jiggens

Designation Citizen Journalist. Gender Male Author Profile Get Email Contact

5. Anthony Klan

Designation Journalist Author Bio Anthony Klan is the editor of The Klaxon and an investigative journalist specialising in business malfeasance and government corruption. Anthony's work has sparked numerous inquiries and law reforms. He holds Australia’s top journalism award, a Walkley Award, for business journalism and has been named a finalist for the Graham Perkin Australian journalist of the year. He has won News Corporation Australia’s top award and has been named News Corporation Australia business journalist of the year on three occasions. In 2016, he was named a finalist in both the investigative and busin...ess categories of the Society of Asia Publishing Awards and a finalist for the NSW Kennedy Award for Outstanding Financial Journalism.more
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6. Zayda Dollie

Designation Sports Journalist Author Bio Zayda Dollie is a sports journalist who believes in athlete story-telling, the redemptive power of sport and having female voices heard.
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7. Duncan Graham

Designation Australian Journalist Author Bio Duncan Graham is an Australian journalist living in East Java. He's won several prizes for his work including a Walkley and two Human Rights Commission awards.
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8. Martin Hirst

Designation Journalist Author Bio Dr Martin Hirst is a journalist and author. Martin’s career in journalism began in 1975. He also taught journalism for over 20 years.
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9. Robin Tennant-wood

Designation Journalist Author Bio Dr Robin Tennant-Wood began her career as a high school teacher but having been involved in politics since her teens, she was lured back to university, ultimately earning a PhD from ANU in Political Science and Public Policy. After a brief post-doctoral skirmish in the Australian public service, Robin spent five years as director of a non-government organisation, at the same time lecturing part-time in political science and public policy and finally taking up full-time lecturing and research at the University of Canberra.
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10. Belinda Jones

Designation Journalist Author Bio Aussie, Mum & Grandma, loves spending time with family & friends, politics, cricket, cooking, photography Investigative Journalist for Independent Australia ????
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @belindajones68 (57.6K Followers) Get Email Contact

11. Ronny Lerner

Designation Columnist Author Bio Ronny Lerner is an IA columnist and has been a sports and music journalist/editor since 2006. He currently works for The Age and Footyology and previously worked for Triple M Digital and Sportal Australia. He has also written for AAP as well as Inside Football and Inside Sport magazines.
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12. Natalie Cromb

Designation Indigenous Affairs Editor, Author Bio Natalie Cromb, IA's Indigenous affairs editor, is a 31 year old woman belonging to the Gamilaraay (or Kamileroi) nation of Burra Bee Dee Aboriginal Reserve, just outside of Coonabarabran in rural New South Wales, and is a proud descendant of Mary Jane Cain who founded the reserve. Natalie has lived and worked full-time as a paralegal in Sydney for the last 10 years whilst completing her law and history degrees. She has also been raising her daughter with her partner and is passionate about passing her culture onto her daughter.
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13. Lee Duffield

Designation Editor Author Bio Dr Lee Duffield is Independent Australia's media editor. He has been practising and teaching journalism for over 40 years. With the ABC he was the first news editor on the youth radio service, Triple-Jay, and the Europe correspondent at the fall of the Berlin Wall.
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14. Ross Jones

Designation Investigations Editor Author Bio Ross Jones is the investigations editor for Independent Australia. He is also the author of the two-year investigation, Ashbygate: the plot to destroy Australia's Speaker, published by IA, 2015.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @rpzjones_fin (878 Followers) Get Email Contact

15. Elizabeth Spiegel

Designation Freelance Editor Author Bio Elizabeth Spiegel is a freelance editor and retired public servant with particular interests in Australian history and modern politics. She lives in Hobart with her husband, daughter and two cats.
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16. Glenn Davies

Designation History Editor Author Bio Dr Glenn Davies is a teacher, author, Australian republican activist and historian. He is Independent Australia's History Editor. He believes strongly in the epithet "publish or perish" — no matter how constant and demanding the teaching load, it is vital, as historians, to be writing. Dr Davies was the editor of the long-running Queensland ARM quarterly newsletter, Armlet, in the late 2000s as well as the bi-monthly national Republican Roundup and monthly national Campaign Update in the early 2010s. He has blogged monthly since 2006 on Australian republic issue...s, was convener for ‘Stories of the Australian Republic’ speculative fiction short story competition (2009-2014), from which he edited Speculating on the Australian Republic: Five Award-Winning Short Stories, and in 2016 had his short story The Sunshine Republic published in 1,000 Words or Less: Flash Fiction Collection 1.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @drglenndavies (139 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

17. John Quiggin

Designation Author Author Bio Professor John Quiggin is an economist and an Australian Laureate Fellow in Economics at the University of Queensland. He is prominent both as a research economist and as a commentator on Australian economic policy. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and many other learned societies and institutions. He has produced over 1500 publications, including six books and over 200 refereed journal articles, in fields including decision theory, environmental economics, production economics, and the theory of economic growth.
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18. Tim Dunlop

Designation Author Author Bio Tim Dunlop has a PhD in political philosophy and is a leading author and professional speaker specialising in media, technology and the future of work. He has written several books, including: Why The Future Is Workless and The Future of Everything: Big, Audacious Ideas for a Better World.
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19. Jennifer Wilson

Designation Columnist Author Bio Dr Jennifer Wilson is an IA columnist who has had two careers: as an academic and scholar and as a psychotherapist. She has a PhD and now works a little at both her careers. She's published short stories in several anthologies, academic papers and book chapters, frequently on the topic of human rights, a central interest of hers. Her interests and writing are wide-ranging, including cultural analysis such as the paper on Tony Soprano that appears on her blog.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @jenlouisewilson (11.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @jenerouspour Get Email Contact

20. Jessica Corbett

Designation Author Author Bio @commondreams senior editor | freelance writer & fact-checker: | @ithacacollege, @icparkschool, @parkscholars ’15 (she/her)
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21. Lisa Harper Campbell

Designation Writer Author Bio Dr Lisa Harper Campbell is a writer, researcher and educator from Adelaide, South Australia. Her work has appeared on stage around the country and in print through Aniko Press, Australian Book Review, The Conversation and various academic journals.
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22. Abul Rizvi

Designation Columnist Author Bio Dr Abul Rizvi is an Independent Australia columnist and former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Immigration. He was awarded the Public Service Medal and the Centenary Medal for services to the development and implementation of immigration policy, including in particular the reshaping of Australia’s intake to focus on skilled migration.
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23. Rachael Jefferson-Buchanan

Designation Author Author Bio Dr Rachael Jefferson-Buchanan is a lecturer in human movement studies, health and physical education (PE) and creative arts at Charles Sturt University's School of Education in New South Wales. Rachael has been an international PE, sport, education and inclusion consultant since 2011 and has led projects in the UK, Myanmar, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Egypt.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @3dancingfeet (4.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

24. Darren Crawford

Designation Author Author Bio Darren Crawford is a surfer, environmentalist, sports coach/administrator and academic. He is also vice president of Save Our Spit Alliance, a volunteer member-based organisation dedicated to preserving the natural marine and coastal environment of the Southport Spit in Gold Coast, Queensland,
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @darrencanplay (190 Followers) Get Email Contact

25. Paul Budde

Designation Author Author Bio Paul Budde is the CEO of Paul Budde Consulting, an independent consultancy company. Paul specialises in the strategic planning of government and business innovation and transformation around the digital, sharing and interconnected economy, resulting in the building of smart cities and smart communities (including e-health, e-education, smart grids, smart transport and digital media). Since his arrival in Australia in 1983, he has provided management consultancy services in the Asia Pacific region. During that period, he established BuddeComm, the largest telecommunications research site o...n the internet. In 2017 he successfully sold this company to French-based Ubiquick, which operates the company under the existing name. Paul now continues his consultancy businessmore
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26. Katrina vanden Heuvel

Designation Author Author Bio Katrina vanden Heuvel is the editorial director and publisher of the Nation and is president of the American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord (ACURA). She writes a weekly column at the Washington Post and is a frequent commentator on U.S. and international politics for Democracy Now, PBS, ABC, MSNBC and CNN.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @katrinanation (172.4K Followers) Get Email Contact

27. Dale Webster

Designation Author Author Bio A new independent news service for 37 per cent* of Australia’s population (and growing). Advocating for regional Australians
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @theregional_au (1.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

28. Binoy Kampmark

Designation Author Author Bio @WikiLeaks Party Senate Candidate with Julian Assange 2013. Academic. Contributing editor @NatCounterPunch. Columnist @TheMandarinAU
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29. Dan Jensen

Designation Author Author Bio Dan Jensen is digital editor for Independent Australia. Dan has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in writing and video production. He is a published author and an award-winning filmmaker, has a movie podcast – Dan and Frankie Go To Hollywood– that is growing in popularity and boasts an impressive knowledge of cinema. Dan is also a musician, having recorded albums with two bands, Electric Bongo and Group X. Yet despite all these accolades and achievements, he still lives alone with his cat, Harley Quinn.
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30. Mark David

Designation Author Author Bio Mark David has had more cartoons published than he could possibly count, but if he did try to count them then it would be more than 10,000. He's won awards for his cartoons and even judged awards for cartooning (although not the ones he won). His work has been syndicated internationally and translated into a whole bunch of languages. After all that cartooning, Mark was feeling rather tired so he took a break from it for about 20 years, which was a very nice break thank you, but he got lured back into the craft by the craziness that engulfed politics when Tony Abbott became leader of the Lib...eral Party.more
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31. Tom Tanuki

Designation Author Author Bio Tom Tanuki is a writer, satirist and anti-fascist activist. He has developed political comedy online, on stage and at protests through projects like direct action anti-racist group Yelling At Racist Dogs (YARD) and satirical nationalist group Million Flag Patriots. Tom does weekly videos on YouTube commenting on the Australian political fringe.
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32. Simon Rinne

Designation Author Author Bio Simon Rinne is a social worker and men’s mental health advocate.
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33. Bevan Ramsden

Designation Author Author Bio Bevan Ramsden is an ex-telecommunications engineer and telecommunications teacher and a long-time peace activist going back to the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign and campaign against conscription in the 1970s. He advocates for Australia’s independence and freedom from the U.S. military alliance and ending U.S. military bases in Australia.
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34. Klaas Woldring

Designation Author Author Bio Dr Klaas Woldring is a former associate professor of Southern Cross University and former convenor of ABC Friends (Central Coast). He was also involved in U3A teaching for a time. He is the convenor of republican group Republic Now! and is a member of the Employee Ownership Association (EOA).
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35. Jenny Lecomte

Designation Author Author Bio Jenny LeComte is a freelance journalist currently based in Port Augusta, South Australia — Jewel of the North and Gateway to the Outback. She began her career as a reporter covering police rounds, court proceedings and local council shenanigans for Rural Press Newspapers in the NSW towns of Cooma and Batemans Bay. She later worked as a feature writer for the mass-market women's magazine That's Life in Sydney and as a content editor for an independent news and current affairs website called Public Debate. In 2004, Jenny crossed to the "dark side" and worked as a government doctor for the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Human Services. She also worked in the recruitment industry for a spell before marrying a South Australian man affectionately known as Mon Cheri and making a "sand change".more
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36. Simon Katterl

Designation Author Author Bio Simon Katterl (he/him) is a mental health and human rights advocate. He has lived experience of mental health issues and using private and public (community) mental health services. Simon runs his own consultancy company that has included providing advice to government ministers and departments, legal services, as well as mental health services. He has also contributed to The Guardian and The Age and has been featured by the ABC and other outlets.
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37. Jim Kable

Designation Author Author Bio JIM KABLE is a retired teacher. His undergraduate Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Education was gained in Sydney in the latter 1960s. In the early 1980s, Jim undertook a Graduate Diploma in Aboriginal Education in Armidale. He taught for many years in rural and metropolitan NSW and briefly in Europe, then, later, long-term in Japan. He is kinfolk-connected to a Stolen Generations Gurindji man and to the only survivor in 1884 of the copper mine massacres of the Woolwonga or Wulwulam people of the Burrundie district in the N.T
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38. Megan Jane De Paulo

Designation Author Author Bio Melbourne-based, inner-city latte sipper; wrangler of a teenage boy; pack leader of two Jack Russell Terrier-crosses; wearer of black (until they find a darker colour); creator of culinary delights; weaver of webs; scribbler of thoughts; exhumer of deceit; straddler of two countries (Australia and Japan); social media provocateur; and maker of lists.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @gomichild (4.4K Followers) Instagram @gomichild Get Email Contact

39. Emily Wolter

Designation Author Author Bio Emily Wolter is a sexologist and podcast host. She holds a Master of Research (Educational Research), focusing on intersex issues in sexuality education. Her podcast, BS with Em, is a bite-sized, evidence-based sexuality and relationships podcast that provides conversations of depth and relatability in a world navigating the dating landscape. She is passionate about LGBTQIA+ conversations and representation, science and erasing the notion of any topic being “taboo”.
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40. Paul Begley

Designation Author Author Bio Paul Begley has worked as a government and media relations adviser for the past two decades. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.
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41. Keith Presnell

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42. Sara Al-dhahri

Designation Author Author Bio Sara Al-Dhahri is an international officer at the humanitarian affairs department of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). She is also an advocate for peace, security and humanitarian development.
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43. David Mcilveen

Designation Author Author Bio David McIlveen studied science and environmental engineering at the University of Queensland and now works as an environmental consultant in Brisbane. He is a member of Mind Medicine Australia, Unharm and uniMIND, and is one of the founding members of IA’s very own Federal ICAC Now Party (FIN).
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44. Peter Kemp

Designation Author Author Bio Peter Kemp is a solicitor living and practising in the New England area of NSW, predominately in criminal matters but also in care and protection. Peter came to law late in life after a career in almost every aspect of the auto electrical industry for 30 years, which took him to Singapore, Japan, China and Indonesia for eight years.
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45. Melissa Marsden

Designation Author Author Bio Melissa Gillian Marsden is a passionate advocate for social justice and a self-confessed political junkie. She is a freelance journalist starting her own business (Framing the Narrative) and a regular contributor to online publications including Independent Australia. Melissa was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at six weeks old and at the age of six, suffered a traumatic brain injury leaving her legally blind, with short-term memory loss and mobility issues for which she uses a white cane. Melissa’s fight to be treated fairly and not be discriminated against has been a turbulent one.
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46. Lachlan Newland

Designation Author Author Bio Lachlan Newland has worked in the Public Service for five years and is studying a Bachelor of Economics at Macquarie University.
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47. Michael Galvin

Designation Author Author Bio Dr Michael Galvin is a retired academic in Media and Communications from the University of South Australia. He is presently an adjunct fellow at the Victoria Institute, at Victoria University in Melbourne.
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48. Joshua Hagen

Designation Author Author Bio Joshua Hagen is a seasoned professional in the hospitality industry with over a decade of experience. Starting from a young age as a cleaner in a city pub, Joshua worked his way up to become a chef, owning and operating his own café, restaurant and bar.
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49. David Ritter

Designation Author Author Bio David Ritter is the chief executive officer of Greenpeace Australia Pacific. He is also an adjunct professor in the Sydney Democracy Network at Sydney University; an affiliate of the Sydney Environment Institute; an associate of the Sydney Policy Lab at Sydney University and an honorary fellow of the Law Faculty at UWA.
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50. Brian Feeney

Designation Author Author Bio Brian Feeney is a retired town planner and researcher living at the Gold Coast. He has degrees in civil engineering and urban planning from the University of Queensland and worked as a town planner in Queensland for more than 35 years in local government, state government agencies and as a consultant.
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51. Philip Soos

Designation Author Author Bio Philip Soos is an independent economist and PhD candidate investigating bank crime and mortgage control fraud.
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52. Kirra Spiteri

Designation Author Author Bio Kirra Spiteri is a nurse and an international studies student at Deakin University, currently majoring in both politics and policy and international relations. She is a passionate writer and advocate of human rights, with particular interests in intersectional gender equality and refugees and asylum seekers — nationally and throughout the international system. As such, Kirra has been involved with Amnesty International since 2017 and is a member of the Amnesty International Australia Feminist Network.
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53. Bilal Cleland

Designation Author Author Bio Bilal Cleland is a retired secondary teacher who has taught English as a second language in secondary schools and English Language Intensive Centres in Victoria as well as adult education programs in Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. He has consulted to the Schools Commission Disadvantaged Program and worked as Organiser of English in the Workplace and International Education programs.
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54. Chris Hall

Designation Author Author Bio Chris Hall is conducting PhD research at the Centre for Media Transition, Faculty of Law, at UTS.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @sydney_dialect (461 Followers) Get Email Contact

55. Leya Reid

Designation Author Author Bio Leya Reid is the Communications & Advocacy Manager at the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA). A writer and researcher, Leya has been published in The Guardian Australia, Eureka Street, ArtsHub, and Screen Education. She holds a Bachelor of Communications (Social and Political Sciences / Public Communication) from UTS.
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56. Steve Bishop

Designation Author Author Bio Steve Bishop started his journalistic career on a local paper in the UK in 1965, was an investigative reporter with the News of the World from 1973-81 (when it still had ethics), a senior reporter and feature writer on Queensland’s Sunday Sun from (1982-89) and for 10 years principal media advisor to Premier Peter Beattie. He is the author of an exposé on government and police corruption in Queensland, The Most Dangerous Detective; the Outrageous Glen Patrick Hallahan, which topped the best sellers in Amazon’s  true crime, organised crime category soon after its releas...e in November 2012.more
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57. Frances Letters

Designation Author Author Bio Frances Letters grew up in Armidale NSW, graduated from the University of New England in 1964, and worked as a journalist on the Sydney Morning Herald. After years spent travelling she wrote The Surprising Asians: a Vietnam War-era hitch-hike around SE Asia (Angus & Robertson 1968). It was studied by some quarter of a million NSW School Certificate English students in the 1960s and 1970s. A year's shoestring travel in India resulted in People of Shiva: Encounters in India (A&R 1971).
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58. Davey Heller

Designation Author Author Bio Davey Heller is a socialist from Melbourne and long-time campaigner for Left-wing causes including anti-war, refugee rights, environmental protests and workers' struggles. He is a former secondary teacher who studies history at Monash University and currently works in the environmental field. He currently writes for a blog called
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59. Joanna Psaros

Author Bio Freelance journalist, news junkie and pop culture obsessive with qualifications in law and international affairs
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60. Jeroen van Kernebeek

Designation Author Author Bio Jeroen van Kernebeek was the first international director of GREY2K USA Worldwide, which fights to end the greyhound racing industry around the globe. Jerone founded and led the Australian branch of global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS and was a senior campaigner at Animals Australia. He is currently the strategy and campaigns director of the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CPG).
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61. Alan Austin

Designation Author Author Bio Alan Austin is an Australian freelance journalist now living near Nîmes in the South of France. His special interests are the news media, religious affairs and economic and social issues which impact the disadvantaged. Alan has written for many media outlets and been published in most Australian newspapers and online publications. He wrote the influential Uniting Church report on prisons in Victoria in the 1980s which led directly to the jailing of prison officers for drug offences. He worked for eight years with ABC Radio and Television’s religious broadcasts unit and seven years... with World Vision. His most recent part-time appointment was with the Uniting Church magazine Crosslight.more
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62. Victoria Fielding

Designation Author Author Bio Dr Victoria Fielding has a PhD in communication and media. With a professional background in marketing and communications, Victoria is interested in political and media communication; in particular, the framing of political contestation in news media.
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63. Evan Jones

Designation Author Author Bio Associate Professor Evan Jones is a political economist and former academic who taught at Sydney University from 1973-2006. He has been writing on bank malpractice against small business and the family farmer for over a decade.
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64. David Donovan

Designation Author Author Bio David Donovan is the founder and director of Independent Australia. Donovan, born 1970, has many years experience in the media and was formerly the media director – and, later, vice-chair – of the Australian Republican Movement.David was raised on cattle properties in Central Queensland and suffered a severe motorbike accident on holidays from boarding school at his family's remote cattle property at the age of 16. Though perilously close to death, he managed to ride home almost 20 kilometres on a damaged motorbike to enable his rescue by the Flying Doctor Service. He made a ...full recovery and, after school, went on to study law and accountancy, later spending several years in London working in finance for several major investment banks including UBS, NatWest Global Markets, Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital and Mizuho. Dave also spent some time living with his wife, Belinda, in Athens, Greece. Over the years, Donovan also maintained an interest in agriculture, primarily as an owner, and sometimes manager, of one of Australia's most successful avocado orchards – Donovan Avocados – until 2008.more
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65. Jane Salmon

Designation Publicist Author Bio Jane Salmon is a publicist for "good" causes. She joined refugee campaigns a decade ago. Her university degree was in international relations and psychology.
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66. Kyle Mervin

Designation Contributor Author Bio Published scientist (Neuroscience), casual opinion piece author (Independent Australia), medtech entrepreneur and inventor (Spintech Medica).
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