List of Jyllands-Posten Journalists and Reporters

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Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, commonly shortened to Jyllands-Posten or JP, is a Danish daily broadsheet newspaper. It is based in Aarhus C, Jutland, and with a weekday circulation of approximately 120,000 copies. The foundation behind the newspaper, Jyllands-Postens Fond, defines it as an independent newspaper.
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Jyllands-Posten Journalists

1. Hanne Nielsen

Designation Local Journalist Twitter @HanneFallNielse Get Email Contact

2. Heidi Plougsgaard

Designation Middle East Correspondent Author Bio Middle East Correspondent for Jyllands-Posten, leading Danish newspaper. Previously posted in London, Bruxelles and San Francisco. Contact: ****
Twitter @HPlougsgaard Get Email Contact

3. Jacob Nybroe

Designation Editor-in-Chief Twitter @Jacobnybroe Get Email Contact

4. Lone Andersen

Designation Journalist Author Bio Jeg er journalist på @Finansdk. Du kan fange mig på ****
Twitter @Lone_And Get Email Contact

5. Niels Lillelund

Designation Food and Wine Critic Author Bio Niels Lillelund, writer, journalist, wine- and food critic at Jyllands-Posten. Books include Gotham City, a book about New York, and a series of crime novels.
Twitter @NielsLillelund Get Email Contact

6. Poul Funder Larsen

Designation U.S. Correspondent Twitter @PoulFunderLarse Get Email Contact

7. Thomas Kristensen

Designation Sports Editor Author Bio Sportsredaktør på Jyllands-Posten
Twitter @ThomasMoellerK Get Email Contact

8. Tom Nørgaard

Designation Editorial Director, Travel Get Email Contact