List of Killeen Daily Herald Journalists and Reporters

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The Killeen Daily Herald is a daily newspaper in Killeen, Texas. The newspaper is owned by Frank Mayborn Enterprises, Inc.
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Killeen Daily Herald Journalists

1. Artie Phillips

Designation Staff Writer Get Email Contact

2. Clay Thorp

Designation Correspondent Author Bio I'm a caregiver and news junkie specializing in news writing, design and management. @craig_press
Twitter @ThorpClay Get Email Contact

3. Dave Miller

Designation Deputy Managing Editor and Opinion Page Editor Author Bio I'm deputy managing editor for Opinion of the Killeen Daily Herald, and editor of the Harker Heights Herald. Please share your views on topics of interest.
Twitter @KDHopinion Get Email Contact

4. David Bryant

Designation Military Editor Get Email Contact

5. Emily Hilley Sierzchula

Designation Correspondent Get Email Contact

6. Emily Hilley-Sierzchula

Designation Herald Correspondent Get Email Contact

7. Eric Garcia

Designation Staff Writer Get Email Contact

8. Erin Eskew

Designation Reporter Get Email Contact

9. Jacob Brooks

Designation Military Editor Author Bio Deputy managing editor of news @kdhnews. I send out tweets on #FortHood and #Killeen area news. Send news tips to ****
Twitter @KDHBrooks Get Email Contact

10. Jana Lynn Kilcrease

Designation Staff Writer and Reporter Get Email Contact

11. John Clark

Designation Correspondent Get Email Contact

12. Madeline Oden

Designation Reporter Get Email Contact

13. Shane Monaco

Designation Reporter Author Bio Temple city reporter for @tdtnews | Have a journalism degree from the University of North Texas | Contact: ****
Twitter @shane_monaco Get Email Contact

14. Thaddeus Imerman

Designation News Reporter Author Bio I am a reporter with the Killeen Daily Herald. On Fridays, I get to cover sports.
Twitter @KDHThadI Get Email Contact

15. Todd Martin

Designation Reporter Get Email Contact

Sr. No Author Name Email
16Emily Hilley-Sierzchula | Herald correspondent
17Jacob Brooks | Herald Staff Writer
18Lori Ann Palomares Fort Hood Herald
19Lauren Dodd Fort Hood Herald
20Blaire Dupre Fort Hood Public Affairs
21Spc. Charles Leitner
22Rodney Jackson Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center
23Lolita C. Baldor
24Tara Copp Associated Press
25Tim Dewar U.s. Army Recruiting Command
26Staff Sgt. Charles Porter 1st Cavalry Division
27Blair Dupre Fort Hood Public Affairs
28David A. Bryant | Herald staff writer
29Eric Franklin Fort Hood Public Affairs
30David A. Bryant Fort Hood Herald
31Wendy Sledd Special to the Herald
32Samantha Harms Fort Hood Public Affairs
33Lori Ann PALOMARES Herald correspondent
34LOLITA C. BALDOR Associated Press
35Bruce Vasbinder | Special To The Herald
36Lauren Dodd
37Lauren Dodd | Herald Staff Wr
38Jana Kilcrease
39Jesus Vidales The Texas Tribune
40Clay Thorp Herald Correspondent
41Schantel Thomas
42Karen Clos | Special To The Herald
43Ricky Green Fort Hood Herald
44Janecze Wright Fort Hood Public Affairs
45Staff Sgt. Jacob Kohrs Army News Service
46Eleanor Prohaska 21st Theater Sustainment Command
47Staff Sgt. Matthew Foster 117th Mobile Public Affa
48Jay Cope | Navy Region Southeast
49Sgt. Darrell Stembridge | 1st Cavalry Division
50Eleanor Prohaska | 21st Theater Sustainment Comman
51Thaddeus Imerman | Fort Hood Herald
52Capt. Christopher Buys | 1st Cavalry Division
53Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Fort Hood Herald
54Wendy Sledd | Special To The Herald
55Courtesy Story
56Nina Borgeson U.s. Army
57Monty Campbell Fort Hood Public Affairs
58Linda Lambiotte Usag Rheinland-pfalz Public Affair
59Sgt. Elliot Alagueuzian 1st Cavalry Division
60Sgt. Darrell Stembridge 1st Cavalry Division
61Darlene Superville The Associated Press
62Lt. Col. Jennifer Bocanegra 1st Cavalry Division
63Sgt. Alex Romey 1st Cavalry Division
64Cameron Porter 405th Afsb Public Affairs Officer
65Fort Hood Public Affairs
66Christine Luciano Fort Hood Dpw Environmental
67Spc. Joshua Holladay 1st Infantry Division
68Frank Minnie Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center
69Capt. Megan Gephart Iii Armored Corps
70Jacob Brooks Killeen Daily Her
71Thaddeus Imerman Fort Cava
72Brittany Sodic | Herald
73Paul Bryant | Herald Staff
74John Clark | Herald Correspondent
75Ricky Green | Herald
76Brittany Sodic | Herald Correspondent
77Emily Hilley-sierzchula Herald Correspondent
78Dave Miller | Herald Staff Writer
79Erin Eskew Herald Correspondent
80David Stone | Special To The Telegram
81Bob Massey | Herald Correspondent
82Artie Phillips | Herald Staff Writer
83Fme News Service
84Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Killeen Dai
85Joel Valley | Telegram Staff
86Paul Bryant Killeen Daily Herald
87Eric E. Garcia | Telegram City Editor
88Karen Clos Special To The Herald
89Schantel Thomas No More Silent Tears
90Ricky Green Killeen Daily Herald
91Pfc. David Dumas 1st Cavalry Division
92Erin Eskew | Herald Correspondent
93Compiled By Brittany Sodic | Herald Correspondent
94Bob Massey Herald Correspondent
95Larry Causey | Telegram Staff
96Dominic Gonzalez | Telegram Staff Writer
97Schantel Thomas Herald Correspondent
98John Clark | Killeen Daily He
99Jacob Brooks | Herald Staf
100Staff Repoirt
101Karen Brooks Harper The Texas Tribune
102Mark Miller | Herald Staff Writer
103Schantel Thomas Herald Correspodent
104Staff Reoirt
105Jacob Brooks | Herald Staff W
106Artie Phillips Killeen Daily Herald
107Alex Nguyen The Texas Tribune
108David A. Bryant
109Jacob Brooks | Killeen Daily H
110Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Herald Staf
111James Pollard Associated Press
112Jana Lynn Kilcr
113Shane Monaco | Telegram Staff
114Natalia Contreras Votebeat
115Kate Mcgee The Texas Tribune
116Alex Nguyen
117William Melhado The Texas Tribune
118Eleanor Klibanoff The Texas Tribune
119Madeline Oden | Herald
120Alejandro Serrano The Texas Tribune
121Paul J. Weber - Associated Press
122Taylor Lorenz The Washington Post
123Todd Martin Special To The Herald
124Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Herald
125Brian Lopez The Texas Tribune
126Jada Holcomb Killeen Daily Herald
127Dave Miller Killeen Daily Herald
128Jada Holcomb | Killeen Daily Herald
129Joseph Wilkinson New York Daily News
130Bruce Vasbinder Special To The Herald
131Jada Holcomb | Herald
132Robert Downen The Texas Tribune
133Brittany Sodic Herald Correspondent
134Jada Holcomb
135Madeline Oden Killeen Daily Heral
136Jana Lynn Kilcrease Killeen Daily Herald
137Jerry Prickett | Telegram Staff
138Jacob B
139Thaddeus Imerman | Herald Staff W
140Thaddeus Imerman Killeen Daily Herald
141Dave Miller | Herald Staff Wr
142Sneha Dey
143Joshua Fechter The Texas Tribune
144Jana Lynn Kilcrease| Killeen Dail
145Renzo Downey | The Texas Tribune
146Alejandra Martinez The Texas Tribune
147Pooja Salhotra The Texas Tribune
148Clay Thorp Fme News Service
149William Melhado
150Madeline Oden Killeen Daily Herald
151Clay Thorp | Special To The Telegram
152Jolie Mccullough
153James BarragÁn The Texas Trib
154Todd Martin | Special To The Herald
155Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Herald Kill
156Patricia Benoit | Telegram Staff
157Paul Schattenberg | Texas A
158Amp;m Agrilife
159Valerie Gonzalez
160Julie Watson - Associated Pre
161Madeline Oden | Herald Sta
162Amp; Thaddeus I
163Jayme Lozano Carver The Texas Tribune
164Kiah Collier The Texas Tribune
165James BarragÁn The Texas Tribune
166Emily Foxhall The Texas Tribune
167Jayme Lozano Carver
168Pooja Salhotra The Texas T
169Shelly Frank | Herald Correspondent
170Rodney Jackson Special To The Herald
171Alexa Ura
172Molly Hennessy-fiske The Washington Post
173Thaddeus Imerman | Herald
174Susan Himes | Texas A
175Amp;m Agrilife Extension Ser
176Bernadette A. Serna Special To The Herald
177Loyd Webb Special To The Telegram
178Kevin Limiti | Herald
179David A. Bryant Killeen Daily Herald
180Kevin Limiti Killeen Daily Herald
181Jacob Brooks | Herald
182Kevin Limiti | Killeen Daily Herald
183Emily Foxhall
184Francisco Uranga The Texas Tribu
185Robert Downen | The Texas Tribune
186Kevin Limiti
187Todd Martin Kisd
188Dylan Baddour Inside Climate News
189Lauren Mcgaughy The Dallas Morning News
190Nick Miroff
191Maria Sacchetti The Washington Pos
192Kelli Smith
193Aria Jones The Dallas Morning News
194Jerry Bark Special To The Herald
195Jolie Mccullough The Texas Tribune
196Lisa Davidson Herald Correspondent
197Ariana Perry Killeen Daily Herald
198Ariana Perry | Herald
199Todd Martin Killeen Isd
200Erin Eskew |herald Correspondent
201Lisa Davidson | Herald Correspondent
202Kevin Limiti | Herald Staff Write
203Jada Holcomb Reporters
204Madaleine Rubin The Texas Tribune
205Carlos Nogueras Ramos The Texas Tribune
206Thaddeus Imerman | Killeen Daily Herald
207Jack Dowling | Herald
209Paul Bryant | Herald Staff Writer
210Lauren Dodd | Herald staff writer
211Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Herald Staff Writer
212Special to the Herald
213John Clark Herald correspondent
214Thaddeus Imerman | Herald staff writer
215David J. Hardin | Herald Correspondent
216Twila Hill Herald Correspondent
217Shelly Frank Herald Correspondent
218Jack Dowling | Fort Hood Herald
219Christian Betancourt | Fme News Service
220Eric Franklin | Fort Hood Public Affairs
221Joel Valley | Fme News Service
222Blair Dupre | Fort Hood Public Affairs
223Jack Dowling Killeen Daily Herald
224Lori Ann Palomares
225Christine Luciano Dpw Environmental
226Shantel Thomas: Herald Correspondent
227Jana Lynn Kilcrease | Herald Staff
228Robert T. Garrett - The Dallas Morning News (tns)
229Christian Betancourt | Telegram Staff
230Jack Dowling | Herald Staff Writer
231Schantel Thomas Killeen Daily Herald
232Jana Lynn Kilcrease Fort Hood Herald
233Karen Clos | Killeen Daily Herald
234Thaddeus Imerman Fort Hood Herald
235Maj. Gen. John B. Richardson Iv 1st Cavalry Divisi
236Jack Dowling Fort Hood Herald
237Ricky Green | Herald Staff Writer
238Schantel Thomas | Herald
239Larry Causey | Telegram Staff Writer