List of Midland Reporter-Telegram Journalists and Reporters

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he Midland Reporter-Telegram is a daily newspaper in Midland, Texas. It is located in the heart of the vast 54-county Permian Basin of West Texas, a geological region which produces 70 percent of the oil in Texas.
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Midland Reporter-Telegram Journalists

1. Ben Shaffer

Designation Features Reporter Get Email Contact

2. Christopher Hadorn

Designation Sports Reporter Author Bio Sports reporter for the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
Twitter @chris_MRTsports Get Email Contact

3. Len Hayward

Designation Sports Editor Author Bio Corpus Christi (TX) Caller-Times Sports Editor; Gannett Senior Manager of Content. Lifelong Sprint Car fan and father of two awesome daughters.
Twitter @Caller_Len Get Email Contact

4. Mella McEwen

Designation Oil Editor Author Bio I cover the Permian Basin's energy industry, from oil and gas to the emerging wind, solar and geothermal industries. I also cover businesses of all ranges.
Twitter @mellamcewen_mrt Get Email Contact

5. Mercedes Cordero

Designation Online Editor Author Bio Former Online Editor for the Midland Reporter-Telegram / University of Texas at Austin alum / Fort Worth ???? Midland
Twitter @Mercy_Cordero Get Email Contact

6. Morgan-Taylor Thomas

Designation Entertainment Reporter Author Bio have a good day (:
Twitter @mtthomas_ (790 Followers) Get Email Contact

7. Oscar LeRoy

Designation Sports Editor Author Bio Sports Editor for the Midland Reporter-Telegram, who also writes about area high school football, Midland College, Texas Tech. NAHJ member.
Twitter @OLeRoy_MRT Get Email Contact

8. Sana Ameer

Designation Texas Reporter Author Bio Texas reporter for @Hearst newspapers. Houston native. NYU alum. Spoonie. Send all things Lone Star State to ****
Twitter @sanadadani Get Email Contact

9. Stewart Doreen

Designation Managing Editor Author Bio Stewart Doreen is the Managing Editor for the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
Twitter @stewdoreen_mrt (114 Followers) Get Email Contact