List of Publimetro Chile Journalists and Reporters

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Publimetro is a free daily newspaper that is published in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. It is the world's largest free newspaper chain, with 77 daily editions published in 13 languages and distributed across 124 cities.
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Publimetro Chile Journalists

1. Alejandro Osorio

Author Bio Periodista, editor general de Publimetro Chile
Twitter @ale_osorio Get Email Contact

2. Angélica Baeza

Author Bio Periodista, Editora Digital de @Publimetrochile
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3. Daniela Bracho

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4. Fernando Peñalver Delgado

Author Bio Periodista venezolano migrante en Chile desde 2016. #SoyPeriodista #VivaVenezuelaLibreSanaYProspera
Twitter @rebotero Get Email Contact

5. Lenys Moreno

Author Bio Periodista venezolana. Cristiana, optimista, curiosa, veraz e imparcial. La mejor arma d un periodista es la humanidad: Sentir lo que otros sienten
Twitter @LCMoreno10 Get Email Contact

6. Marcelo González

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7. Nataly Marambio

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8. Nathalia Marques

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9. Nicole Proano

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10. Pablo Vargas Zec

Author Bio Bagual magallánico radicado en SCL, con paso por Shelbina, MO. Sé de saber. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
Twitter @pvargaszec Get Email Contact

11. Patricio Vargas

Author Bio Periodista de deportes, ex @Deportes_terra y actual @Publimetro_TV. Seguidor N°1 del Bonva y fanático de la Roja.
Twitter @PatinhoVargas Get Email Contact