List of Star Democrat Journalists and Reporters

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The Star Democrat in Easton, Md., has been published during the administrations of 45 of the 46 presidents of the United States of America and during all but one of the nation's major wars. Its offices and equipment were destroyed by two fires. It was wrecked by a mob of vandals.
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Star Democrat Journalists

1. Angela Price

Designation Editor Twitter @angie_price Get Email Contact

2. Bill Haufe

Designation Sports Editor Author Bio Sports editor for The Star Democrat. Lucky hubby and father. Fan of Packers, Caps, Blackhawks, Terps, O's.
Twitter @Bill_Haufe Get Email Contact

3. Candice Spector

Designation Reporter Author Bio ???? in Southeast Idaho | ****
Twitter @cspectornews Get Email Contact

4. Chris Polk

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter for The Star Democrat newspaper in Easton, Maryland.
Twitter @chrisp_stardem Get Email Contact

5. Christina Aufderheide

Designation Contributor Get Email Contact

6. Maggie Trovato

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter at the Star Democrat | Bylines in Columbia Missourian, Ellsworth American | Mizzou alum | Contact: ****
Twitter @MaggieTrovato Get Email Contact

7. Mike Detmer

Designation Reporter Author Bio Staff writer for the @DorchesterStar. ****
Twitter @mdetmer_dorstar Get Email Contact

8. Natalie Jones

Designation Reporter Author Bio reporting on crime, courts, government and development @stardem_news | @merrillcollege alum
Twitter @nataliemjones Get Email Contact

9. Tom McCall

Designation Reporter Get Email Contact