List of Sun Journal Journalists and Reporters
Sun Journal Journalists
1. Jessica Lowell
Designation Reporter Author Bio Jessica Lowell covers business and economic development and general news in the Gardiner area. After short but intense aspirations to be an opera singer (age 4) and a deep-sea diver (age 6) her most enduring passion has been telling stories. A University of Maine graduate, she worked for newspapers in New Hampshire, upstate New York and Wyoming, where she has won awards for investigative and explanatory journalism. She’s a fellow of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism and the Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources. After several years out of journalism, she returned to M...aine and to writing, where she spends her free time enjoying both trees and the ocean, two commodities that Wyoming lacks.more
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @jlowellkj (512 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact
2. Donna M. Perry
Designation Reporter Author Bio Donna M. Perry is a general assignment reporter who has lived in Livermore Falls for 30 years and has worked for the Sun Journal for 20 years. Before that she was a correspondent for the Livermore Falls Advertiser for five years. She covers Franklin County courts, police and spot news. She also covers police and spot news in northern Androscoggin County and town governments of Jay and Livermore Falls. In her spare time, she spends time with her family, including three grandchildren, and relaxes by reading books.
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3. Joe Lawlor
Designation Reporter Author Bio Joe Lawlor writes about health and human services for the Press Herald. A 24-year newspaper veteran, Lawlor has worked in Ohio, Michigan and Virginia before relocating to Maine in 2013 to join the Press Herald. He is still considered “from away” but since then, he has learned what a “dooryard” is, eaten “whoopie pies” drank Moxie and boiled some “lobstahs.” The stories he enjoys most are when he learns something and meeting inspiring people. He lives in South Portland - aka “SoPo” - with his wife, Melanie, and two school-age children.
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @joelawlorph (2.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
4. Maria Skillings
Designation Reporter Author Bio Maria Skillings covers general news for the towns of Topsham, Lisbon, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham and Harpswell. She graduated from Cape Elizabeth High School, then received her B.A. in Theater from the University of Maine at Farmington. Maria went on to study film in New York City, where she worked as a stand-up comedian for three years. Eventually making the move to Los Angeles, she discovered her love of writing. She returned home to have her very first children’s book published. Before joining the team at the Times Record, Maria returned to her roots and began writing for the Cape Courier.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @mariareports (28 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
5. Christopher Williams
Designation Investigative Reporter Author Bio Chris Williams covers courts and daytime crime at the Sun Journal where he has been a staff writer for more than two decades. He reports on local, state and federal courts as well as spot news, crashes, fires and other general mayhem. During his time at the Sun Journal, he has served on Sunday and enterprise staff, covering politics, state government, environmental and health care issues, sometimes tackling investigative stories. When he's not on the beat, Chris enjoys sailing, skiing and restoring his Victorian era home.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @cwilliamssj (246 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
6. Randy Billings
Designation Reporter Author Bio Randy Billings is a government watchdog and political reporter who has been the State House bureau chief since 2021. He was named the Maine Press Association’s Journalist of the Year in 2020. He joined the Press Herald in 2012 as the Portland City Hall reporter, where his beat touched on a wide range of topics, including municipal government, immigration, homelessness, housing and social services. Prior to that, he worked at various weeklies as well as business and arts publications. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine, Orono. He lives in North Yarmouth with wife and two children and enjoys the outdoors and playing his upright bass.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @randybillings (6.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
7. Amy Calder
Designation Reporter Author Bio Amy Calder covers Waterville, including city government, for the Morning Sentinel and writes a column, “Reporting Aside,” which appears Saturdays in both the Sentinel and Kennebec Journal. She has worked at the newspaper since 1988, including a stint as bureau chief for the Somerset County Bureau in Skowhegan, and has covered a variety of beats. A Skowhegan native (who is proud to say she was born in Waterville), she holds a bachelors in English from University of Hartford and completed post-graduate work in the School of Education at University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She hol...ds more than two dozen awards from the Maine Press Association and New England Associated Press News Executives Association. Calder lives in Waterville with her husband, Philip Norvish, a retired Sentinel reporter and editor.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @amycalder17 (812 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
8. David Warren
Designation Reporter Author Bio David is the Morning Sentinel's city editor. He joined the staff in Waterville in August of 2021, arriving from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, where he was the public safety editor. Prior to working for the Missouri paper, David served as the supervisory breaking news staffer for The Associated Press based in Dallas; as executive editor of The Bristol Press & The New Britain Herald in Connecticut; city editor of the Globe-News in Amarillo, Texas; and deputy metro editor at The Sun in San Bernardino, California. He’s no stranger to Maine: early in his career, David served as city editor... of the Kennebec Journal, wire editor at the Portland Press Herald and as a copy editor at the Sun Journal.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @warrenjourno (404 Followers) Get Email Contact
9. Emily Duggan
Designation Reporter Author Bio Emily Duggan is a staff writer for the Kennebec Journal. She graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of New Hampshire, where she was a news editor and staff writer for The New Hampshire. Before working at the Kennebec Journal, she interned at the Portland Press Herald and freelanced for the Granite State News Collaborative. A Portland native, Emily loves exploring the city, reading, and playing with her two cats.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @emilyduggannews (553 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
10. Andree Kehn
Designation Reporter Author Bio Andree Kehn is a staff photographer who has lived in Lewiston for the past three years and has been a Greenwood resident for 20 years, on and off. She has worked full time for the Sun Journal since 2015. She covers sports assignments, breaking news and features, but her heart loves assignments photographing people immersed in their own unique passions. She has a second career as a wedding photographer and specializes in working with couples who are creating weddings that reflect their own quirky personalities. She has an eclectic past, including having been a carny, a ski bum, a lifeguard, an brat, a motorcycle rider, an organic gardener, a tour-director and cat-lover. She loves to find common ground with all of her photography subjects.more
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11. Colin Woodard
Designation Reporter Author Bio Colin Woodard is the Press Herald’s State and National Affairs Writer, and is often at work on large investigative projects. Born in Waterville and raised in western Maine, he was a foreign correspondent for two decades, reported from more than fifty countries on all seven continents, and witnessed the collapse of communism and its bloody aftermath in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. He’s written five books, including histories of Maine (The Lobster Coast), North America’s rival regional cultures (American Nations) and the Golden Age Pirates (Republic of Pirates), which was tu...rned into a quickly forgotten NBC mini-series starring John Malkovich as Blackbeard. Since joining the Press Herald in 2012, he’s won a George Polk Award and was a finalist for the 2016 Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Reporting. He used to be an avid sailor and SCUBA diver, but with small kids at home, his hobbies now include sleeping and picking up toys.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @woodardcolin (7.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
12. Kelley Bouchard
Designation Reporter Author Bio Kelley Bouchard writes about what’s happening in Maine and beyond, with a focus on South Portland, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth and other communities in Cumberland County. Her interests include housing, immigration, human rights, history, aging issues, sustainability, the environment and the untold story. A Maine native and University of Maine graduate, she was a college intern for two summers at the former Lewiston Evening Journal. Before joining the staff of the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram in 1998, she was a reporter for the Ipswich Chronicle, Beverly Times and Salem Eve...ning News in Massachusetts. Favorite pastimes include gardening, cooking for family and friends, streaming foreign TV series and kayaking at camp.more
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @kelleybouchard (2.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
13. Penelope Overton
Designation Reporter Author Bio Penny Overton is excited to be the Portland Press Herald’s first climate reporter. Since joining the paper in 2016, she has written about Maine’s lobster and cannabis industries, covered state politics and spent a fellowship year exploring the impact of climate change on the lobster fishery with the Boston Globe’s Spotlight team. Before moving to Maine, she has covered politics, environment, casino gambling and tribal issues in Florida, Connecticut, and Arizona. Her favorite assignments allow her to introduce readers to unusual people, cultures, or subjects. When off the cloc...k, Penny is usually getting lost in a new book at a local coffeehouse, watching foreign crime shows or planning her family’s next adventure.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @PLOvertonPPH LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
14. Lana Cohen
Designation Reporter Author Bio Lana covers education for the Portland Press Herald. She joins the Press Herald from VTDigger, where she covered Chittenden County, Vermont’s population center. Previously she was a Report for America fellow in Mendocino County, covering environmental news for a digital outlet and a public radio station. She also reported on the environment for digital news outlet, WhoWhatWhy. In her spare time Lana enjoys hiking with her Goldendoodle, Rigby, running, surfing and baking.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @LanaCohen95 LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
15. Bruce Farrin
Designation Reporter Author Bio Bruce Farrin is editor for the Rumford Falls Times, serving the River Valley with the community newspaper since moving to Rumford in 1986. In his early days, before computers, he was responsible for covering town government, police/fire, schools and sports, typed story copy onto special paper, then cut and waxed those articles onto pages by hand before they were prepped for press. He was the darkroom technician as well. Over three-plus decades, he has also been entrusted by locals to share defining moments in their lives, promoted the efforts of people working to improve their community, with ...his love of photography capturing children and adults at their best. When he's not writing, he's an avid walker, and has a lifetime love of America's pastime, baseball, and the study of statistics, becoming a leader nationally among 30 TPFS dynasty baseball leagues. He is a 1981 graduate of the University of Maine at Orono, with a bachelor's degree in journalism.more
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16. Drew Bonifant
Designation Reporter Author Bio Drew Bonifant covers sports for the Press Herald, with beats in high school football, basketball and baseball. He was previously part of the Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel sports team. A New Hampshire native and 2010 graduate of Northeastern University, he came to Maine in September 2016 after four years at the Concord Monitor, where he covered NASCAR, University of New Hampshire hockey and high schools and won a NH Press Association award for his work. He also worked for two years as a college co-op at the Patriot Ledger in Quincy, Mass. An avid golfer, frequent skier and consumer of s...ports, movie and music trivia, he’s a fan of the New England Patriots, Baltimore Orioles, Philadelphia Flyers and Miami Heat – and yes, he’s aware of how random those teams seem.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @dbonifantmtm (1.5K Followers) Get Email Contact
17. Russ Dillingham
Designation Reporter Author Bio A lifelong resident of Lewiston, Russ stumbled into photography as a college student working toward a career in psychology. His great-grandfather Louis B. Costello was the publisher of the Lewiston Daily Sun and Evening Journal and his grandfather, who Russ is named after, was a staff photographer before becoming publisher. Russ planned to move to a big city to live and work until a light came on while he was in the darkroom. During summer breaks he worked in the press and composing rooms at the Sun Journal and between his junior and senior year landed a job as a darkroom technician in the pho...tography department where he developed an interest in taking photos. He immediately demonstrated a creative eye and a knack for being in the right place at the right time. When the Sun Journal launched a Sunday edition, he was offered a job that began his 35 year career. He lives in Lewiston, where he and his wife raised four boys. His innate curiosity and love of new technology has kept his passion burning. From using 360-degree cameras to becoming a licensed drone pilot he is always eager to try something new. After three decades of doing the same job he still is excited to come to work every day and is always seeking new challenges and adventures.more
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18. Marianne Hutchinson
Designation Reporter Author Bio Marianne Hutchinson is a general assignment reporter for the Rumford Falls Times. She has worked for the Times for three years covering the RSU 10 and RSU 56 school boards encompassing the towns of Rumford, Mexico, Dixfield and other nearby towns in the River Valley area. She also covers the selectmen’s and town meetings and other activities of the towns of Canton and Andover. Marianne has lived in Lewiston for 33 years with her husband, Dennis. She graduated from the University of Maine at Orono with a degree in Journalism and advertising. Before becoming a reporter for the Times she he...ld various positions as an educational technician for English as a Second Language students of Lewiston schools and as a proofreader and production editor for Pine Tree Composition, a former typesetting company in Lewiston. In her spare time, she loves to read books, especially memoirs, and articles from newspapers and magazines. She also likes to attend exercise classes at the YMCA in Auburn or go for bike rides with her husband and friends. During the winter months she enjoys snowshoeing and cross-country skiing with family and friends.more
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @mariannehutch19 (3 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
19. Pam Harnden
Designation Reporter Author Bio Pam Harnden, of Wilton, has been a staff writer for The Franklin Journal since 2012. Since 2015, she has also written for the Livermore Falls Advertiser and Sun Journal. She covers Livermore and Regional School Unit 73 school board meetings. She writes about people and community events in the greater Franklin County area and is the go-to person for school robotics competitions. Pam is a member of the Old Crow Indian Band and a supervisor for the Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District. She enjoys cooking, gardening, flower arranging, reading, music and spending time with her grand...children. Pam has a bachelor's degree from the University of Maine at Orono and has been involved personally and professionally with numerous agricultural endeavors.more
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20. Zara Norman
Designation Reporter Author Bio Zara Norman is a reporter covering the Winslow and Oakland area for the Morning Sentinel. She graduated from Brown University in 2022, where she took classes in journalism while majoring in History and Classics. While at Brown she managed a comedy publication and interned with The Boston Globe’s Rhode Island bureau. A native to England, Zara now lives in Waterville.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @zaraleinorman (302 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
21. Rose Lincoln
Designation Reporter Author Bio Rose Lincoln began as a staff writer and photographer at the Bethel Citizen in October 2022. She and her husband, Mick, and three children have been part time residents in Bethel for 30 years and are happy to now be here full time. Rose previously worked as a staff photographer at Harvard University and freelance photographer at the Boston Globe and at several Boston colleges. She remembers fondly the start of her career as a staff photographer for a chain of weekly newspapers, surrounded by writers who vied to assign her to their town's stories. She next worked for several years at The Patrio...t Ledger, a daily in Quincy, Massachusetts. She has won several national and regional awards for her photography. Writing full stories (and not just cutlines for photos) is a new and exciting endeavor and she appreciates your patience as she tries to get it all right.more
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22. Joe Charpentier
Designation News Reporter Author Bio Joe Charpentier came to the Sun Journal in 2022 to cover crime and chaos. His previous experience was in a variety of rural Midcoast beats which included government, education, sports, economics and analysis, crime, and environment. He loves surprising his editors with spontaneous enterprising stories and prides himself on mastering the ability to slip the odd Oxford comma by the copy editors. When not on the beat, Joe enjoys spending time with family, writing fiction and woodworking.
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23. Stephen Singer
Designation Reporter Author Bio Stephen Singer writes about energy and utilities for the Press Herald. He began covering the arcane beat in 1999-2000 as a statehouse reporter for The Associated Press in Charleston, W.Va., as the Legislature -- with many others in the U.S. -- set about the task of deregulating energy. Singer picked up the beat for the AP in Hartford, Conn., expanding his reporting to cover the six New England states. A newcomer to Maine, he prefers blueberries to lobster.
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @stevesinger10 (3.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
24. Ray Routhier
Designation Reporter Author Bio Ray Routhier has written about pop culture, movies, TV, music and lifestyle trends for the Portland Press Herald since 1993. He is continually fascinated with stories that show the unique character of Maine’s people and places. He’s written about why so many businesses use the made-up word “Mainely” in their names, how you can trace Portland’s history through its various smells and why Mainers lament the loss of Portland-made B&M baked beans. He’s interviewed a wide variety of filmmakers, actors, musicians and authors, including Patrick Dempsey, Tony Sha...lhoub, Richard Russo, Tess Gerritsen, Tony Bennett, Anna Kendrick, and Stephen King. His passions, besides writing, include baseball history, old movies and “Jeopardy!” A native of Manchester, New Hampshire, he graduated with a degree in political science from the University of New Hampshire. He lives in South Portland with his wife and two children.more
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25. Emily Allen
Author Bio Emily covers courts for the Press Herald. Before moving to Maine in March 2022, she spent nearly three years in West Virginia, reporting on the southern coalfields, local and state government for West Virginia Public Broadcasting and Mountain State Spotlight, a nonprofit newsroom. Hailing from the upper Midwest, Emily cut her teeth covering city government for the Grand Forks Herald in North Dakota and is a graduate of the University of Minnesota's Twin Cities campus. When she's not working, Emily's usually reading (and is always on the hunt for good book recommendations).
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @emilythejourno (1.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
26. Eric Russell
Designation Reporter Author Bio Eric Russell has been a general assignment reporter at the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram since 2012 and has been a journalist in Maine for 13 years. Because he doesn’t have a specific geographic or topical area to cover, Eric often is free to roam the state in pursuit of the most interesting stories, whether it’s tackling the big topic of the day or chasing ideas that fall just outside the boundaries of everyday news. His favorite assignments are ones where he can leave the office and meet with people in their homes or their workplaces to talk about their struggles an...d challenges – and sometimes their triumphs. Or to try and answer complicated questions: How does a woman die alone in a Wells mobile home without anyone knowing for 2.5 years? How does a convicted rapist from Massachusetts disappear before his sentencing and then live quietly in Gorham for 34 years before being caught? How does a husband in Bath respond when his wife develops early-onset Alzheimer’s disease? Eric grew up in Southern Maine, went to college at the University of Maine and worked in Bangor for eight years before joining the Press Herald. He lives in Brunswick with his wife, a school teacher, and two daughters.more
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27. Steve Craig
Designation Reporter Author Bio Steve Craig reports primarily about Maine’s active high school sports scene, working to bring the passion and dedication of athletes, coaches and communities to readers. In some ways his career has come full circle. His first newspaper job was covering Maine high school sports in 1986 working out of a tiny office at the front of a hand-sewn shoe shop in Skowhegan. After 12 years as a sportswriter in Dover, New Hampshire, he wrote two books, had a multi-year stint as the Press Herald's freelance motorsports columnist and taught fifth grade. In 2012 he was happy to make a working return to... Maine as a staff writer for the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. A graduate of Michigan State University and Southern New Hampshire University, Steve can be forgiven for living in Hampton, New Hampshire. He and his wife Deb, two children, and numerous dogs and cats have called Hampton home since 1995 and he still hasn’t finished painting their 150-year-old home.more
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28. Keith Edwards
Designation Reporter Author Bio Keith Edwards covers the city of Augusta and towns of Manchester and Windsor, writing feature stories and covering breaking news, local people and events, and local politics. He has worked at the Kennebec Journal since 1995, having previously worked at the Camden Herald. He was born and raised in Winthrop and graduated from the University of Maine at Orono with a degree in political science. He is married and has a dog and cat. A lifelong Mainer, he enjoys skiing, hiking, canoeing, camping, and cooking out but spends most of his “off” time restoring and maintaining his 170, or so, ...year-old home in Richmond.more
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29. Bonnie Washuk
Designation Reporter Author Bio Bonnie Washuk is the weekend reporter for the Portland Press Herald. She previously was the education writer and a general assignment reporter for the Sun Journal, focusing on Lewiston-Auburn schools. She began as a Lewiston Daily Sun reporter on Halloween, 1983. Since then she's worked for the Lewiston Evening Journal, Sunday, and the Sun Journal covering just about every beat. For 10 years she covered politics as the State House reporter. Bonnie's interests are cooking, dogs, the environment. She's an avid recycler, drives a Prius and does a lot of dog walking with her dogs Lucy and Zoe. A w...ife, mother of three sons and grandmother of four, she loves children. A great assignment for her is interviewing students. She lives in Portland, grew up in Augusta and attended the University of Maine at Augusta.more
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30. Megan Gray
Designation Reporter Author Bio Megan Gray is a general assignment reporter at the Portland Press Herald. A Midwest native, she moved to Maine in 2016. She has written about presidential politics and local government, jury trials and jails, lawsuits and U.S. Supreme Court cases. Her favorite stories are the ones that help us learn more about each other and the varied lives we lead in this expansive state. She likes to explore Maine’s hiking trails and coastal islands with her husband, and she definitely wants to pet your dog.
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31. Tux Turkel
Designation Reporter Author Bio Tux Turkel writes primarily about energy issues affecting Maine. Over the years, he has gazed into the spent-fuel pool at the now-gone Maine Yankee nuclear plant, looked across Casco Bay from atop Wyman Station’s smokestack, and toured power plants and wind farms across the state, but remains confused about why electricity doesn’t leak from our wall sockets. When he’s not trying to make sense of dense regulatory filings at the Public Utilities Commission, he’s likely to be hiking in the mountains or visiting Maine’s coastal islands in his small motorboat. A gradua...te of Emerson College in Boston, Tux lives in Yarmouth with his wife, youngest son, a cat and a guinea pig.more
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32. Rachel Ohm
Designation Reporter Author Bio Rachel covers state government and politics for the Portland Press Herald. It’s her third beat at the paper after stints covering City Hall and education. Prior to her arrival at the Press Herald in the summer of 2019, Rachel worked at the Morning Sentinel in Waterville, covering Franklin and Somerset counties, and the Knoxville News Sentinel in Knoxville, Tennessee, covering higher education. She has a master’s degree in journalism from New York University and when she’s not writing and reporting enjoys running, cooking and traveling to new places.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @rachel_ohm (2.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
33. Aimsel Ponti
Designation Reporter Author Bio Aimsel Ponti is a music writer and content producer for the Portland Press Herald. She has been obsessed with – and inspired by – music since she listened to Monkees records borrowed from the town library when she was 6 years old. She bought her first Rolling Stones record at a flea market when she was in 7th grade and discovered David Bowie a year later. She's a huge fan of the local music scene and covers it along with national musical happenings in her column. You'll also find her out and about absorbing live music and shopping for vinyl at local record shops and flea markets. A...imsel regularly appears on the WCSH TV show “207” to preview upcoming concerts.more
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34. Dennis Hoey
Designation Reporter Author Bio Dennis Hoey is the Portland Press Herald’s night reporter, covering any and all news that breaks in the late afternoon and evening hours. He has been chasing stories after normal business hours in Portland since 2008. Before that he worked in the Press Herald’s Brunswick Bureau where he spent several years covering news in several midcoast towns from Rockland and Wiscasset to Bath and Brunswick. He also covered Bath Iron Works, the Brunswick Naval Air Station, Bowdoin College, and the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant during his years in Brunswick. When he’s not hunting down c...riminals, politicians or law enforcement officials, Dennis enjoys spending time riding his bicycle, hiking, and cross country skiing.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @dennishoey (1.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
35. Vanessa Paolella
Designation Education Reporter Author Bio Vanessa Paolella is a staff writer at the Sun Journal primarily covering local education. Before joining the Sun Journal in 2021, she interned for the paper twice and led the Bates College student newspaper, The Bates Student. Vanessa graduated from Bates College with a bachelor of science in geology in 2021 and wrote her senior thesis on water quality changes in the Androscoggin River from 1930 to 2019.
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36. Steve Collins
Designation State House Reporter Author Bio A journalist since 1987, Steve Collins has worked for daily newspapers in New York, Connecticut and Maine. He has served as the State House reporter for the Sun Journal since 2016. Among his awards are the Society of Professional Journalists’ 2016 Ethics in Journalism Award and the I.F. Stone Whistle-Blower Award in 2015. Collins is a founder and board president of Youth Journalism International, a charity that teaches students around the globe about news writing, media literacy and issues of the day. His wife, Jackie Majerus-Collins, serves as its executive director. Born in Massachuset...ts, he grew up in a military family that took him to Norway, Ohio and Virginia, where he earned a degree in history from the University of Virginia. He and Jackie live in Auburn. They have two adult children, two collies and not enough time.more
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37. Mark LaFlamme
Designation News Reporter Author Bio Mark LaFlamme is a Sun Journal reporter and weekly columnist. He's been on the nighttime police beat since 1994, which is just grand because he doesn't like getting out of bed before noon. Mark is the author of eight published novels and rides a dual sport motorcycle everywhere he goes. Unless it's winter, in which case he just sulks a lot.
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38. Tim Cebula
Designation Reporter Author Bio Tim Cebula has been a food writer and editor for 23 years. A former correspondent for The Boston Globe food section, his work has appeared in Time, Health, Food & Wine,, and Boston magazine, among other publications. He is also a former judge for both the restaurant and journalism portions of the James Beard Awards. He was most recently senior editor at Cooking Light magazine, where he worked for 13 years. Tim lives in Old Orchard Beach.
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39. Daryn Slover
Designation Reporter Author Bio Daryn grew up fishing on Lake Erie near Cleveland. He started taking pictures while working as a stock boy in a camera store during high school. His camera took him to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, where he worked for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Daryn continued his education at Ohio University before landing his first newspaper job at the News Herald in Port Clinton, Ohio. He joined the Sun Journal staff in 1998 shortly after the Maine Ice Storm. Daryn's favorite photo assignments are to take pictures of people that are passionate about something he knows nothing about. Daryn lives in Lewiston... with his wife and two sons. He spends his time tuning his kid's race skis and fixing their mountain bikes before race weekends.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @darynslover (95 Followers) Get Email Contact
40. John Terhune
Designation Reporter Author Bio John reports on police and crime for the Press Herald. He previously covered the cities of Bath and Brunswick for the Times Record and was a staff writer for The Forecaster. A former Waterville Panther, John returned to Maine after studying philosophy at Middlebury College in Vermont and journalism at Boston University. When he’s not writing about Maine communities, John spends his time practicing yoga, organizing games of Survivor and obsessively following the Red Sox farm system.
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41. Gillian Graham
Designation Reporter Author Bio Gillian Graham is a general assignment reporter for the Portland Press Herald. A lifelong Mainer and graduate of the University of Southern Maine, she has worked as a journalist since 2005 and joined the paper as a staff writer in 2012. During her time with the Press Herald, Gillian has told the stories of everyday Mainers and tackled issues of poverty, hunger and homelessness. She enjoys telling compelling stories that help people better understand and connect with the communities and people around them. In her free time, Gillian loves spending time with her husband and family, hand embroider...y, and hunting for vintage treasure at flea markets and antique stores.more
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @grahamgillian (3.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
42. Hannah LaClaire
Designation Reporter Author Bio Hannah LaClaire is a business reporter at the Portland Press Herald, covering topics such as real estate and development, entrepreneurship and the cannabis industry among others. Before joining the Press Herald in January 2021, Hannah covered the town of Brunswick for The Times Record. She graduated from the University of Maine with a degree in Journalism, and reported for The Cape Cod Times in Hyannis, Massachusetts, and The Telegraph in Nashua, N.H., before moving back to Maine. In her free time, Hannah enjoys reading, running, cooking (eating) and traveling. She lives in Saco with her husba...nd, her dog Olive and her cat Fred.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @hannah_laclaire (738 Followers) Get Email Contact
43. Steve Sherlock
Designation Regional Editor Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @stevesherlock74 (15 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
44. Carl Natale
Designation Web Editor Author Bio Web editor for
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @carlnatale (820 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
45. Andrew Rice
Designation Staff Writer Author Bio Andrew Rice is a staff writer at the Sun Journal covering municipal government in Lewiston and Auburn. He's been working in journalism since 2012, joining the Sun Journal in 2017. He lives in Portland with his wife, daughter and dog named Indiana. Andrew is a graduate of the University of Southern Maine in Media Studies.
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46. Nicole Carter
Designation Staff Writer Author Bio Nicole joined Sun Journal’s Western Maine Weeklies group in 2019 as a staff writer for the Franklin Journal and Livermore Falls Advertiser. Later she moved over to the Advertiser Democrat where she covers Oxford Hills communities and School Administrative District 17. She seizes every opportunity to research and write about local history and she enjoys writing features that leave readers with a smile. Nicole graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern Maine with a B.A. in history and concentration in creative writing. She held audience development and marketing positions at... several Maine-based trade media companies in the Portland area before taking on community news. When not working she is an avid reader and fiber artist and enjoys observing local wildlife, from snakes and blue frogs to large game and carnivores. She and her husband, Greg, share their secluded homestead in Peru with an assortment of cats, dogs, alpacas and chickens.more
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47. Brian Ponce
Designation Staff Writer Author Bio Brian Ponce is a staff writer for the Franklin Journal, as well as the Livermore Falls Advertiser and the Sun Journal. Prior to joining the Sun Media team, he worked across many different industries ranging from warehouses to restaurants while pursuing his passion for writing on the side. Brian graduated from California State University in San Bernardino, California, with a B.A. in English with a focus on creative writing. Afterward, he performed freelance work documenting local musicians and their music in the High Desert of San Bernardino County. When he is not searching for a story, Brian typically be found in his native habitat, a comic book shop, researching taco recipes and meandering.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
48. Christopher Wheelock
Designation Business Writer Author Bio A long-time journalist, Christopher got his start with Armed Forces Radio & Television after college. Seventeen years at CNN International brought exposure to major national and international stories from 9/11 and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to natural disasters like the 2004 Asia tsunami and earthquake. Christopher's local news experience includes stops in Colorado, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. His print and digital experience includes business writing and photography in Michigan. Business has always held a special place in his heart, as a former business owner and senior writer for of CNNI’s top business anchors. He's proudly married to a Michigander, loves cooking, anything outdoors and two fat strays. He is excited to make Maine his new home.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact
49. Alex Lear
Designation Opinion Page Editor Author Bio Opinion page editor for the Sun Journal, a musician, an artist, an introvert who craves attention.
Twitter @learics Get Email Contact
50. Donna Perry
Designation General Assignment Reporter Get Email Contact
51. Emily Bader
Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter for @mainemonitor | formerly: @sunjournal, @reportinghealth data fellow, @lakesregweekly, @albrightinst, @wellesley '18 // ****
Twitter @emilykbader Get Email Contact
52. Judith Meyer
Designation Executive Editor Get Email Contact
53. Kendra Caruso
Designation Reporter Author Bio Sun Journal reporter. ****
Twitter @KendraCaruso Get Email Contact
54. Lee Horton
Designation Sports Editor Author Bio Sun Journal sports editor. Utahn. Heart like John Starks. Loner, Dottie, rebel. Previous: @PenDailyNews. Alum: @UUtah, @NSJCatIU, @SportsCapJour. #VarsityMaine
Twitter @LeeHortonSJ Get Email Contact
55. Lisa DeSisto
Designation Publisher Author Bio CEO, Masthead Maine, @pressherald, @KJ_online, @onlinesentinel, @sunjournal. Alpaca herder. Postcard collector.
Twitter @MaineLisaD Get Email Contact
56. Mark Mogensen
Designation Managing Editor, Days Get Email Contact
57. Matthew Daigle
Designation Staff Writer Author Bio Staff writer at the Sun Journal newspaper in Norway, Maine, with a focus on court reporting. TV enthusiast.
Twitter @dattmaigle Get Email Contact
58. Nathan Fournier
Designation Staff Writer Author Bio Staff writer for @sports_sj and @hnibonline. Yes I do believe @goodfellows52 was born in the 1750s maybe even earlier.
Twitter @jrhockeywriter Get Email Contact
59. Randy Whitehouse
Designation Sports Writer Author Bio Covers high school and college sports for the Sun Journal in Lewiston, Maine.
Twitter @RAWmaterial33 Get Email Contact
60. Tony Blasi
Designation Reporter and Editor Twitter @Goodfellows52 Get Email Contact
61. V. Paul Reynolds
Designation Editor, Northwood Sporting Journal Get Email Contact
62. Wil Kramlich
Designation Assistant Sports Editor Author Bio Former Patriots kicker, Owl thrower, Eagles broadcaster, now Assistant Sports Editor for @Sports_SJ @sunjournal. I'll cover any sport.
Twitter @WilTalkSports Get Email Contact