List of Journalists and Reporters

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The Post-Standard is a newspaper serving the greater Syracuse, New York, metro area. Published by Advance Publications, it and sister website are among the consumer brands of Advance Media New York.
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1. Rebecca Everett

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter and sr podcast producer for @Njdotcom + @StarLedger. #WebbyAward-winning podcast 'Father Wants Us Dead' is out now. ****
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @rebeccajeverett (1.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

2. Carol Robinson

Designation Reporter Author Bio Carol Robinson is a senior reporter for, covering crime, public safety and breaking news in more than 30 Alabama counties. She began her journalism career at The Birmingham News in 1986, and has covered numerous beats including county government, business, education and general assignment reporting. In 1996, she became the lead crime reporter, focusing not only on the initial crimes, but also giving a voice to victims and their families in the aftermath of those crimes. She has won numerous state and regional awards for her crime reporting and feature writing, including the 2020 Sigma D...elta Chi Awards for excellence in journalism for stories she wrote about the 2020 shooting death of 8-year-old Royta Giles at Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, and a Green Eyeshade Award for her coverage of the abduction of Kamille “Cupcake” McKinney, a 3-year-old Birmingham girl who was found murdered 10 days after she disappeared from a birthday party, and Alabama Press Association Story of the Year for the story on three people killed in 2014 -- including the gunman -- after a shooting at a UPS facility in Birmingham. She is a graduate of Vestavia Hills High School and Auburn University. She has one daughter and two grandchildren.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @robinsoncarol (21.1K Followers) Instagram @robinsoncarol Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

3. Nick O'malley

Designation Reporter Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @nickjomalley (1.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

4. Jonece Starr Dunigan

Designation Journalist Author Bio Jonece Starr Dunigan (She/her/hers) is a journalist who gives the microphone to communities that are often ignored by mainstream media. Guided by empathy, her reporting centers the stories, movement work and voices of Black, brown and queer people. Her writing strives to amplify and empower readers instead of exploiting them of their traumas. Starr is also the founder of Reckon’s Black Joy (formerly Black Magic Project), a media brand under Reckon that’s highlighting the multiple ways we as Black people cultivate liberating joy in our lives. She created the brand while she was a ni...ght reporter for Reckon’s sister news site in Birmingham, Ala. During her time in that position, Starr heard constant and valid complaints from Black and brown people about how the media exploits their communities. Starr responded to this issue in 2017 by publishing a series of stories detailing how Black Birminghamians use their “Black magic” (their skills, talents, love for the community, etc) to improve their neighborhoods. Since then, Starr has nurtured that mission of authentic and genuine representation from a one-time project into a nationwide, multiplatform brand examining the full spectrum of melanin magic from a multigenerational lens of joy. After spending a couple of years in Birmingham, Starr now lives with her life partner, Michael, in her hometown of Huntsville, Ala. Check out what the Black Joy team has to offer by following @blackjoyreckon on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @starrdunigan (2.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

5. Charlie Miller

Designation Multimedia Journalist Author Bio I'm a multimedia journalist for The Post-Standard and covering the best Central New York has to offer in food, drinks and fun. I write stories, shoot photographs and produce my own videos. I was a breaking news reporter for nine years before becoming the assistant managing editor in charge of our sports department for more than 20 years.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @hoosiercuse (2.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @HoosierCuse Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

6. Patrick Mccarthy

Designation Freelance Music Journalist Gender Male Author Profile LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

7. Teri Weaver

Designation Journalist Author Bio I've been a journalist for more than two decades, covering state government, politics, the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. military and food. I've had two stints at once from 1997 to 2004, then again from 2010 to today. From 2004 to 2010, I worked at Stars and Stripes, the independent news source for the U.S. military living abroad. In September 2021, I became a news editor, overseeing health, education, business and science coverage. I'm also an adjunct journalism professor at Syracuse University.
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @terikweaver (5.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

8. George Owens

Designation Journalist And Social Media Producer Author Bio George Owens is a journalist and social media producer for | The Post-Standard and Advance Media New York. He has more than three decades of experience as a reporter, editor, page designer, photographer, web producer and social media producer. He currently assists in managing the social media channels for and, with a special focus on high school sports, Syracuse University sports and the Buffalo Bills. He also curates email newsletters and writes on a wide range of topics. A native of Central New York, he is a graduate of Utica College of Syracuse University ...(now Utica University) and has taken graduate courses at Syracuse University. Prior to joining | The Post-Standard, he worked as a reporter and editor for USA Today, the Utica (N.Y.) Observer-Dispatch, the Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record and the Ithaca (N.Y.) Journal. You can follow him on Twitter at @georgehowens.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @georgehowens (523 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

9. Michelle Zenarosa

Designation Journalist Author Bio Michelle has almost 20 years experience in journalism and media-making through a social justice lens, having worked at various news outlets like Fusion, Everyday Feminism, New America Media and LA Weekly. Previously, they were the community manager at USC's Annenberg Innovation Lab, where they curated the MacArthur civic media fellowship. She has been a facilitator for storytelling by youth in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and Palestine and was awarded the 2017 fellowship for the Society of Features Journalism. She’s a grouchy ex-punk and is serious about her snacks.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @zenagrossa (531 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @zenagrossa Get Email Contact

10. Annalise Knudson

Designation Reporter Author Bio Annalise Knudson is an award-winning journalist covering local news for the Staten Island Advance/ With over 7 years of experience, she is able to cover all areas of interest in reporting, photography and videography. A beat in education, she works to cover the country’s largest school system, focusing on Staten Island education through school visits and interviews with experts, teachers, and students. She covers a range of topics, from test scores that predict student outcomes, to profiles on prominent educators, and navigating the school system when new programs and opportun...ities arise. She won the 2021 Distinguished Beat Reporting award from the New York News Publishers Association for her reporting on New York City schools, with a unique focus on Staten Island — acting as an integral source of information for families and educators during the pandemic. She was also part of a team that received the 2020 Investigative Reporting Award from the New York News Publishers Association for her reporting on disparity in public schools on Staten Island. She holds a Master's degree in communications from Kean University and works as an adjunct instructor at Kean University in the communications department.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @annaliseknudson (624 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

11. Vanessa Arredondo

Designation Journalist Author Bio Vanessa Arredondo is a Chicana journalist born to a family of hard-working Mexican immigrants. She was raised in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles and is a proud product of community college.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @v_anana (1.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @v.anana Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

12. Matt Durr

Designation Sports Reporter Author Bio Trending news reporter for MLive Media Group. Former business and sports reporter. Beware, I also tweet and podcast about pro wrestling. @kmwrestlingpod
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @mdurr84 (879 Followers) Get Email Contact

13. Leada Gore

Designation Reporter Author Bio Leada Gore has worked with for almost 11 years. She’s worked in Alabama journalism for more than 30 years, covering everything from high school football games and rattlesnake rodeos to major trials and presidential visits. She now works covering breaking and trending news, with a particular emphasis on government, finances and the things that impact you every day. Leada’s also an award winning yet retired columnist who occasionally entertains the idea of restarting only to talk herself out of it again. She is a past president of the Alabama Journalism Foundation and Alabama ...Press Association. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her husband and teenager daughter, attending her daughter’s sporting events, and trivia. She is a native of Birmingham and a graduate of the University of Montevallo.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @leadagore (2.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

14. Katherine Rodriguez

Designation Trending News Reporter Author Bio Trending News Reporter @njdotcom @NJAdvanceMedia Former Pre-Viral Writer @BreitbartNews. By way of Jersey, DC. #GWU Class of 2014 current #RBS #MSDM student
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @krod315 (462 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

15. Justine Lofton

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter @mlive ???? @michiganstateu alumna ???? lady gymnast????️‍♀️ wifey ???? girl mom ????‍????‍???? dog mom ???? Slytherin ???? She/Her ????
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @journojustine (731 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @justine_lofty_lifts Get Email Contact

16. Kevin Shea

Designation Reporter Author Bio I am a Managing Producer and Supervising Reporter for NJ Advance Media in Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. You can find my reporting in The Times of Trenton and on Call me at 609-819-2390 or ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @kevintshea (1.2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

17. Anna Claire Vollers

Designation Reporter Author Bio healthcare reporter @Stateline_news & @statesnewsroom. previously @ALdotcom. always curious. full of coffee. she/her. tips: ****
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @acvollers (5.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

18. Becca Andrews

Designation Reporter Author Bio Becca Andrews is a reporter at Reckon News primarily covering reproductive health care. Her work has appeared in Mother Jones, Jezebel, Wired, and The New Republic, among other publications. She is the author of "No Choice: The Destruction of Roe v. Wade and the Fight to Protect a Fundamental American Right."
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @kbeccaandrews (4.9K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @kbeccaandrews Get Email Contact

19. Alexis Wray

Designation Reporter Author Bio Culture & Justice reporter w/ @reckonnews | #NCAT ‘20 | #SyracuseU ‘22 ????
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @alexiswray_ (781 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @wray_alexis Get Email Contact

20. William Thornton

Designation Breaking News And Business Reporter Author Bio Reporter, Alabama Media Group, @aldotcom. Author of Set Your Fields on Fire. Available for speaking.…
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @billineastala (3.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @billineastala Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

21. Ben Flanagan

Designation Reporter Author Bio Ben Flanagan has worked with since 2010. He manages the Life & Culture team, focusing on Alabama entertainment stories and the national spotlight it draws in music, television, movies, festivals and much more. Flanagan also covers Alabama, Auburn and SEC football culture through features, lists, photos, videos and podcasts. He hosts and produces the podcast "Bammers," a deep dive into understanding Alabama football fandom. Born in Tuscaloosa, Flanagan graduated from the University of Alabama.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @thisbenflanagan (2.2K Followers) Get Email Contact

22. James Mulder

Designation Reporter Author Bio I cover health for The Post-Standard and You can reach me at 315-470-2245.
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @jamestmulder (1.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

23. Glenn Coin

Designation Science Reporter Author Bio Glenn Coin is the weather, environment and science reporter for and The Post-Standard. He also covers Micron Technology's plans to build a $100 billion chip plant in Central New York. He has a bachelor's degree in environmental science from Michigan State University and a master's in public administration from Syracuse University's top-rated Maxwell School. He has taught journalism for more than 20 years at several Central New York colleges.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @glenncoin (2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

24. Jared Paventi

Designation Reporter Author Bio @syracusedotcom restaurant critic. Substack author. Find me on IG/Threads at @jaredpaventi and BlueSky. National Grid tweets at @jaredpaventi_NG
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @jaredpaventi (858 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

25. Brenda Duncan

Designation Reporter Author Bio Content Assistant with decades of experience with editing and media support.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @bjgduncan (268 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

26. Marnie Eisenstadt

Designation Public Affairs Reporter Author Bio Marnie Eisenstadt is a public affairs reporter at | The Post-Standard. She has more than two decades of experience covering a wide range of topics and institutions including mental health, addiction, housing, human services, youth violence and juvenile justice. She specializes in narrative storytelling and investigative reporting. Eisenstadt is the 2018 New York State Associated Press Journalist of the Year and has numerous statewide awards for excellence in feature writing. She has a New York State Emmy Award for investigative reporting for "Drunk with Power," a print a...nd video series about a rogue AA group in Syracuse. She is a graduate of the Roy H. Park School of Journalism at Ithaca College and a mother of two.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @meisenstadtsyr (1.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

27. Rick Moriarty

Designation Reporter Author Bio I report on business news and consumer issues for The Post-Standard and Got a tip for a story? Email me at ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @rickmoriartycny (2.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

28. Geoff Herbert

Designation Reporter Author Bio Geoff "DeafGeoff" Herbert is a Reporter and SEO Lead for | The Post-Standard and Advance Media New York. He covers a wide range of topics, including entertainment (music, movies, TV, events), Upstate New York life, and national news, plus specializes in search engine optimization. Herbert was born with a profound binaural hearing loss, is adept at lipreading, and serves as a motivational speaker for corporate events, schools, disability groups and other special events. Despite being mostly deaf, he also works as a wedding DJ in Syracuse and Upstate NY and previously spen...t 10 years in radio as an on-air personality. Herbert graduated from Syracuse University's Newhouse School in 2005.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @deafgeoff (4.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @deafgeoffherbert Facebook Profile Link YouTube Channel link Get Email Contact

29. Steve Featherstone

Designation Outdoors Reporter Author Bio Steve Featherstone is the outdoors reporter for He covers everything from hunting and fishing to hiking and ecology. He received a dual bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism and history in 1990, and a master’s degree in creative writing in 1996, both from Syracuse University. Prior to his position at, he spent twenty years as a freelance magazine writer and photographer. His award-winning work has appeared in many national media outlets, including the New York Times Magazine, National Public Radio, and CNN, and has been featured in Best American Scien...ce & Nature Writing and exhibited at Duke University’s Center for Documentary Studies. Featherstone has also taught writing at Syracuse University, University of Alabama, University of Kansas City-Missouri, LeMoyne College, and Gotham Writer’s Workshop. Past assignments have taken him from conflict zones in Afghanistan to forbidden zones in Chernobyl, but he’s happy finding adventures right here in Central New York.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @featheroutdoors (228 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

30. Dean Zulkofske

Designation Sports Reporter Author Bio Proud @NewhouseSU & @suny_cortland alum | ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @deanzulkofske (975 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

31. Rylee Kirk

Designation Reporter Author Bio Rylee Kirk joined | The Post-Standard in October 2021 after graduating with a master’s degree in investigative journalism from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism in Arizona. She is originally from Skaneateles, New York, and moved to just outside Savannah, Georgia at a young age. Since returning to the 315, she has worked as a crime and public safety reporter. She has investigated the systematic failure of the child protective system in Oswego County, even traveling to Virginia to speak with a survivor. Frequently she profiles crime victims, including tracking down the of a Yemeni refugee killed in 2021 to write about him. At the Cronkite school, Kirk worked on a capstone investigation entitled “Little Victims Everywhere,” which revealed the federal government’s inaction on child sex abuse cases in Indian Country. The project won the Shaufler Prize. After high school she graduated from Mercer University with a journalism degree. While at Mercer University she reported on the campus community, local community, and was part of a reporting trip to Peru. In the future, she hopes to continue covering important topics and help people share their stories.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @kirk_rylee (937 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @rylee_kirk Get Email Contact

32. Tim Knauss

Designation Watchdog Reporter Author Bio Tim Knauss is a watchdog reporter on the public affairs team at, with four decades of experience covering Central New York. Knauss has written about a variety of subjects recently including unfair property taxes, failed government projects, high energy costs, and the effects of racial discrimination on health. He has won many statewide awards, including twice being named the New York State Associated Press Journalist of the Year. He earned a master’s degree in 1990 from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s degree in 1977 from Oberlin College. Contact Knauss at ...ass='blk-email'>**** or 315-470-3023.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @timknauss (2.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

33. Sean Teehan

Designation Reporter Author Bio Sean Teehan is a reporter for NY Cannabis Insider. Previously, Teehan was a reporter for the Hartford Business Journal in Connecticut. There he launched the business journal’s CT Cannabis Insider newsletter, in addition to covering tech, manufacturing and other industries. He also has worked in staff positions at the Phnom Penh Post in Cambodia, and the Cape Cod Times, in addition to freelancing for The Boston Globe, American City Business Journals, New England Public Media and other outlets. Teehan has won numerous national business reporting awards from the Alliance of Area Business Pu...blishers, as well as regional awards from the New England News and Press Association, and honorary mentions from the Society of Publishers in Asia. He graduated in 2010 from Emerson College with a bachelor’s degree in print and multimedia journalism.more
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @seanpteehan (1.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

34. Sunny Hernandez

Designation Reporter Author Bio Sunny Hernandez is a Syracuse University graduate and a former food blogger turned journalist. Currently she writes about the best and most interesting things Upstate New York has to offer and helps to manage social media channels for and When not in the newsroom, you can find her baking, singing, and hiking.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @sunnyinsyracuse (1.9K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

35. Darian Stevenson

Designation Breaking News Reporter Author Bio My name is Darian Stevenson and I am a Breaking News Reporter for I cover a range of topics from crime and public safety to courts and government on occasion. As a writer and a Black woman, my focus is covering stories that involve the Black community. In St. Louis, I wrote a story about two doulas who started a collective to help bridge the gap between Black mothers and healthcare workers. I also highlighted a Black personal trainer who advocates for sexual health and positivity through his own personal diagnosis with genital HSV-2 by building a community around others strugglin...g with their diagnoses. At I wrote about an organization working to hold police accountable using untraditional methods and have connected with many who work to help lessen the gun violence in Syracuse's inner city. I’m from Illinois. And, no, not Chicago as most people assume. I grew up in a smallish town called Alton, which was named the best place to retire by Forbes and was the home to Robert Wadlow, the tallest man in history at 8 ft. 11 in. I lived thirty minutes outside of St. Louis, Missouri, the best culinary experience you’ll ever have, from smoked meats to St. Paul sandwiches, but of course, I’m biased! I moved from Illinois to New York a little over a year ago. I attended Syracuse University and received a Master of Arts in Magazine, News, and Digital Journalism from Newhouse School of Public Communications. Prior to moving to New York, I received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications and Psychology from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @dairrmakayla (220 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

36. Chris Carlson

Designation Sports Enterprise Reporter Author Bio Chris Carlson is a sports enterprise reporter with He focuses on sports projects, trends and features involving Syracuse University, Le Moyne College and Central New York. He's worked in journalism for more than 20 years at three newspapers, The Syracuse Post-Standard, The Virginian-Pilot and The Berkshire Eagle.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @ccarlsononsu (7.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

37. Johnathan Croyle

Designation Reporter Author Bio My name is Johnathan Croyle and I write about Central New York history and nostalgia for Advance Media New York and the weekly House of the Week feature. I joined the company in 2000 as a member of the Library Department and maintained the newspapers archives. I graduated from Le Moyne College in 2000 with a degree in history.
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38. Fernando Alba

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter covering breaking news, crime and public safety for | The Post-Standard.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @byfernandoalba (221 Followers) Get Email Contact

39. Kenny Lacy Jr.

Designation Sports Reporter Author Bio Kenny Lacy covers high school sports for | The Post-Standard. He writes about all high school teams in Section III. Aside from typical game coverage, Kenny works to tell athletes' stories that go beyond the action on the field. He is a Syracuse University graduate and has been covering sports for | The Post-Standard since 2022.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @kennylacyjr (910 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

40. Elizabeth Doran

Designation Reporter Author Bio I am a reporter for the Syracuse Post Standard/ covering the schools and local government, including development in the towns and villages, primarily in Onondaga County.. I have covered breaking news, crime and police, business and county government in the past. I have a journalism degree from Shippensburg University and have won several IRE, AP, New York News Publishers Association and Syracuse Press Club awards. In the past, I was named Small Business Journalist of the Year.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @lizdoranld (769 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

41. Sharon Dellinger

Designation Reporter Author Bio Six years of experience providing data-related content.
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42. Matt Parrino

Designation Buffalo Bills Beat Reporter Author Bio Matt Parrino is the Buffalo Bills beat reporter for He covers the team on the daily beat and provides the latest news and analysis of the team. He is a co-host of the "SHOUT!" podcast, which brings fans weekly episodes centered around the topics of the week pertaining to the team. He is an award-winning journalist who has covered the Bills for five seasons. "SHOUT!" won first place for best sports podcast in 2021 from the New York State Press Association. He provides analysis on the CBS-affiliated Bills pre-game show "Buffalo Kickoff Live" for WIVB i...n Buffalo. He spent four years with the UFC, shaping the company website's editorial vision as the Digital Media Director. He received a Bachelor's degree in Communication & Journalism from the University at Buffalo, where he now teaches as an adjunct instructor in the journalism program.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @mattparrino (71.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @mattparrino Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

43. Jules Struck

Designation Reporter Author Bio Jules Struck is the Life and Culture reporter for | The Post-Standard. She covers a range of topics from refugee resettlement to the destructive legacy of I-81 to financing at the Fairgrounds. She also writes about the people who bring Syracuse's streets to life: muralists, skateboarders, boombox-toting street bikers. Her work has appeared in the Boston Globe and the Christian Science Monitor. She received three second-place awards from the Syracuse Press Club for her coverage of the 15th Ward, Elton John and the NYS Fair. She has a Master of Journalism from Emerson College in Bos...ton.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @jules_struck (59 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @julesstruck.journo Get Email Contact

44. Emily Leiker

Designation Sports Reporter Author Bio Emily Leiker is a sports reporter covering Syracuse athletics. Though her primary beat is football, she's also covered men's lacrosse and provided additional reporting on other beats. Prior to joining, Emily spent time at USA Today, the News & Obeserver (Raleigh) and Columbia Missourian. She's covered three Division I football seasons, including ones that featured coach firings and departures, NCAA sanctions and AP Top 25 rankings. Between 2020 and 2022, Emily received three awards from the Associated Press Sports Editors and one from the Association of Women in Sports Media. ...She graduated from the University of Missouri in 2022 and is originally from Lynnwood, Washington. You can find her on Twitter @emleiker.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @emleiker (4.2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @eleiker.writes Get Email Contact

45. Connor Pignatello

Designation Freelance Reporter Author Bio Daily Hampshire Gazette sports reporter covering UMass and high schools. Shoot me a note **** Always @dailyorange.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @c_pignatello (465 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

46. Michelle Breidenbach

Designation Watchdog Reporter Author Bio Michelle Breidenbach is a watchdog reporter on’s public affairs team. She is expert in using data to uncover systemic government failures that leave people behind. In recent years, she has written about unfair property assessments, children poisoned by lead paint, neglectful nursing homes and broken child welfare systems. Her focus this year is on the removal of the elevated Interstate 81 and the rebuilding of the Syracuse neighborhood destroyed by its construction in the 1950s and 60s. Since she came to Syracuse in 1997, she has won many local, state and some national journ...alism awards for coverage of government, business and stray topics like entertainment, sports and video reporting. Her work has changed state laws and freed up information government officials would prefer to keep secret. She is a 1994 graduate of Kent State University, in Ohio. Reach Michelle by email at **** or call 315-470-3186. Follow her on Twitter @mbreidenbach or Facebook
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @mbreidenbach (5K Followers) Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

47. Catie O'toole

Designation News Reporter Author Bio I have been writing for The Post-Standard for 25 years. I'm a graduate of Oswego State and Syracuse University. I have covered crime, courts, education and government. Currently, I am a breaking news reporter.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @catieotoole (1.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

48. Linda Loomis

Designation Reporter Author Bio Linda Loomis has been a contributing writer in the arts and entertainment area, primarily covering vocal, orchestral, and opera ensembles, for more than a decade. She holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in English from SUNY Oswego, where she also directed the journalism program and taught creative writing for 20 years. Her work with students resulted in local and national recognition for outstanding academic advisement. Before joining full-time faculty, Loomis was director of communications and magazine editor for the Oswego Alumni Association. Her journalism skills were honed in the 1980s at the Brow...n Newspapers by Executive Editor C. Alan Baker, who was the grandfather of her current editor, Chris Baker. She has won awards from Syracuse Press Club (including being named to its Wall of Fame), the National Newspaper Association, and the New York Press Association, where recognitions include having been named Writer of the Year.more
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49. Douglass Dowty

Designation Reporter Author Bio I am a graduate of Oberlin College and have worked nearly two decades for | The Post-Standard. I have won several statewide breaking news and investigative awards from the Associated Press and Journalist Association of New York, as well as two years as Beat Reporter of the Year from the New York State Publishers Association.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @dougdowty (1.8K Followers) Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

50. Samantha Nolan Nolan

Designation Reporter Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

51. Matt Gray

Designation Breaking News Reporter Author Bio Matt Gray is a breaking news reporter for, with a focus on crime and court coverage in South Jersey. He has spent 30 years covering news primarily in Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem counties, and tries to go beyond the latest developments to explore the people and places facing the greatest challenges in New Jersey. In addition to reporting, he spent about 16 years working in various newspaper editing roles with Today’s Sunbeam, Gloucester County Times and The News of Cumberland County. He graduated from the University of Delaware with a bachelor’s degree in English, with a... concentration in journalism. He can be reached at 609-819-2351 or via email at ****
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @mattgraysjt (682 Followers) Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

52. Linda Lowen

Designation Reporter Author Bio Freelance writer/editor. Publishers Weekly book reviewer. Instructor, Downtown Writers Center. VP23. Writing beachside at
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @lindalowen (222 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

53. Kevin Manahan

Designation Reporter Author Bio Kevin Manahan shunned law school to become a sports journalist in 1981 at $180 per week. For three decades, he skipped around The Star-Ledger newsroom, from sports to news to features and investigations — and even a stint on the Editorial Board. He spent two years at USA Today before returning home because Virginia traffic is even worse than New Jersey’s. He has been a beat reporter on the Giants, Jets, Yankees and Mets and the golf writer — hockey moved too fast for him — and has a drawer full of awards as a reporter and editor. He gladly accepts angry emails from Rutg...ers fans who believe Seton Hall gets too much coverage and from Seton Hall fans who believe Rutgers does, and from Mets fans who simply hate the Yankees. His baseball career was ended by the invention of the slider, and at this writing, he’s an 11 handicap (but it’s trending upward.)more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @kevincmanahan (1.9K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

54. Chris Baker

Designation Life And Culture Reporter Author Bio Chris Baker oversees life and culture coverage for, the Post-Standard and That's everything from food and drink, arts and entertainment, the outdoors, local history and the Buffalo Bills. He also oversees the newsroom's internship program at Syracuse University. He has been with since 2012, previously as a feature writer then a government reporter. Chris has a Bachelor's Degree from SUNY Geneseo and a Master's Degree from Syracuse University. He's a former adjunct instructor at the Newhouse School at SU. Past bylines include the Charleston Post & Courier..., Rochester Democrat & Chronicle and the Syracuse New Times.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @chrsbakr (4.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

55. John Lammers

Designation Reporter Author Bio Director of Content Post-Standard (315) 470-2200
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56. Warren Linhart

Designation Reporter Author Bio Music photographer/journalist, and production staff member of NewsChannel 9.
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57. Mark Daniels

Designation Reporter Author Bio Mark Daniels has been on the Patriots beat since 2014. After working for the Providence Journal, he joined MassLive in 2022. Daniels has won awards for feature writing, column writing and general sports writing.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @bymarkdaniels (53.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

58. Aaron Fentress

Designation Reporter Author Bio I've covered a variety of news and sports topics for The Oregonian/OregonLive, NBC Sports Northwest and The Athletic.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @aaronjfentress (29.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @AaronJFentress Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

59. Mary Helene Hall

Designation Reporter Author Bio Mary Helene is a reporter for the Mobile County area and an Alabama Gulf Coast native. She is a 2023-24 Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellow and a graduate of Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, where she was named a Media Changemaker Scholar.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @maryhelenehall (867 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

60. Clarissa Brooks

Designation Reporter Author Bio Atlanta-based author, journalist, and cultural worker Clarissa Brooks has deep roots corkscrewed into the American South. Raised in Charlotte, NC, Brooks relocated to the Black Mecca of Atlanta—originally to attend Spelman College—later settling in the Historic West End neighborhood. Nestled in a historically Black area dense with vibrant HBCUs, Brooks fixes a Black queer feminist lens to the vital cultural work she produces for publications like New York Magazine The Cut, Rolling Stone, and NPR.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @clarissambrooks (31.9K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

61. Francesca Argentieri

Designation Reporter Gender Female Author Profile LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

62. Jeremy Boyer

Designation City Reporter Author Bio After graduating with a degree in print journalism in 1997, Jeremy Boyer has worked as a reporter and editor at daily newspapers in northern Virginia, Oneonta, Schenectady, Albany and Auburn. He was the executive editor for The Citizen in Auburn from 2006 before joining and The Post-Standard in July 2023.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @boyer315 (1.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

63. Mohammad Ahmad

Designation Reporter Gender Male Author Profile Get Email Contact

64. Jennifer Trimpey

Designation Reporter Author Bio Dr. Jennifer Trimpey is an experienced clinical psychologist, specializing in neuropsychology and public health. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Trimpey serves as a responsible gambling consultant for Cipher Sports Technology Group. She has written extensively on responsible gambling, publishing on multiple news sites across the United States. After receiving her bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado, Dr. Trimpey researched disease prevention as she completed her master’s degree in clinical psychology at the University of San Francisco. Dr. Trimpey proceeded to ea...rn her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of San Francisco, serving as campus representative for the Society for the Psychology of Women, a subgroup of the American Psychological Association, and completing her residency at Case Western University, where she specialized in cognitive assessments. Since completing her doctoral studies, Dr. Trimpey has specialized in cognitive assessments in the United States and abroad. A leading voice in mental health, Dr. Trimpey has presented at the APA Annual Convention and the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, as well as publishing writings for Division 35 of the APA. Dr. Trimpey’s experience in public health and neuropsychology underlie her expertise in responsible gambling practices. After receiving her bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado, Dr. Trimpey researched disease prevention as she completed her master’s degree in clinical psychology at the University of San Francisco. Dr. Trimpey proceeded to earn her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of San Francisco, serving as campus representative for the Society for the Psychology of Women, a subgroup of the American Psychological Association, and completing her residency at Case Western University, where she specialized in cognitive assessments. Since completing her doctoral studies, Dr. Trimpey has headed cognitive assessments departments for multiple organizations in the United States and abroad. A leading voice in mental health, Dr. Trimpey has presented at the APA Annual Convention and the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, as well as publishing writings for Division 35 of the APA. Dr. Trimpey’s experience in public health and neuropsychology underlie her expertise in responsible gambling practices, an extension of addiction prevention.more
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65. Nick Slade

Designation Reporter Author Bio Nick Slade boasts nearly two decades of experience as a sports and betting expert, and holds the position of Chief Content Officer at Cipher Sports Technology Group. In this role, Nick oversees all editorial and digital content on leading platforms like, and With a background as a journalist and broadcaster, Nick's history includes reporting for prominent channels and networks such as Fox Sports, WCBV-TV Boston, ESPN, ABC, SEN Radio, Fox FM, Triple M, Channel 10 and Channel 7. His expertise have been sought by well-known media and sports organi...zations, including,, Melbourne Victory Football Club, and the A-League. Through his unwavering passion for sports content and deep knowledge of sports betting, Nick has solidified his position as a leading authority in the wagering and gambling industries.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @sladinho (1.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

66. Annabel Rocha

Designation Reporter Author Bio Annabel Rocha is Reckon’s reproductive justice reporter. She comes from a background of local reporting focused on Latinx issues, reproductive justice, period poverty and sexual health. She is a current JAWS health reporting fellow, and former City Bureau reporting fellow. She is a proud Chicago native, currently living on the South Side.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @annabelrocha93 (555 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @annabelrocha Get Email Contact

67. Allie Healy Howard

Designation Reporter Author Bio Allie Healy Howard is currently a Managing Producer for and She is the lead manager of social media, newsletters and trending content, as well as the content manager for Previously, Allie has held several roles within the media group, such as Senior Social Media Producer, Best of Upstate NY and Nostalgia Lead and Community Engagement Specialist. She is a graduate of the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College, where she studied journalism with a minor in writing. She's passionate about small-scale farming, pizza, emo music and life in Upstate New... York. She currently resides in the Mohawk Valley with her husband, dog, two cats and more than 40 chickens.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @allieehealyy (1.2K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @alliehealyhoward Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

68. Jesse Winston

Designation Reporter Author Bio Jesse Winston is an illustrious content writer and researcher, making significant contributions to the sports betting landscape as part of Cipher Sports Technology Group. After graduating summa cum laude with a bachelor of science degree in biology pre-medicine from Eureka College, Jesse earned his MBA at the University of Phoenix Chicago, specializing in business analysis, and graduating summa cum laude once again. His keen analytical skills and dedication to achieving optimal performance have been instrumental in launching, growing, and successfully exiting multiple companies. Jesse's passio...n for predictive analysis, risk assessment, and performance optimization has led him to develop a pioneering approach to SWARM intelligence, leveraging machine learning and AI for more accurate event outcome predictions in sports betting. His expertise extends to event forecasting, player and team analysis, and his work in the realm of sports betting exemplifies his commitment to providing cutting-edge insights.more
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69. Luis Fieldman

Designation Reporter Author Bio Reporter for @masslivenews covering Springfield and breaking news
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @luisfieldman (105 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

70. Jon Moss

Designation Breaking News Reporter Author Bio Jon Moss is a breaking news reporter at Post-Standard. He previously wrote for the Pittsburgh Union Progress and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, focusing on politics, housing and neighborhood revitalization. Moss graduated in spring 2022 from the University of Pittsburgh and worked for all four years of college at The Pitt News, including two years as editor-in-chief – becoming the fourth two-term editor in the paper’s history.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @mossjon7 (1.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

71. Geoffrey C. Arnold

Designation Reporter Author Bio Seattle Seahawks and National Football League writer. Email: ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @geoffreycarnold (1.5K Followers) Get Email Contact

72. Jason Bernstein

Designation Reporter Author Bio High School Sports Reporter for NJ Advance Media, The Observer and Jersey Journal. Hartford '07, Livingston '03. Email: ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @jbernsteinhs (4.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

73. Lauren Campbell

Designation Reporter Author Bio Lauren Campbell joined MassLive in 2023 as a breaking and trending Boston sports reporter covering all things locally and nationally. Campbell also produces MassLive's "Eye On Foxborough" podcast. In her previous role at NESN, Campbell covered events such as the World Series and the Stanley Cup Final. Loves: Scrubs, her Dutch Shepherd and a good pair of Converse.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @lalalalaurrrren (7.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

74. Deb Kiner

Designation Reporter Author Bio Deb Kiner has worked at Patriot-News since 1987 having served in a variety of positions including reporter, copy editor and editor. Since 2014 she has coordinated the annual PA Media Group Best and Brightest awards program. She focuses on bringing you the latest live entertainment news, including how to get tickets, for music, theater and other events locally, within Pa. and across the nation. From the biggest celebrities to local favorites, Deb will bring you the information you need to attend performances.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @deborahkiner (888 Followers) Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

75. Claudia Dimuro

Designation Trends Reporter Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @claudiadimuro2 (12 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

76. Anna Beahm

Designation Reporter Author Bio Asking the questions you can't ask in Sunday School | married to @tybeahm | I run and make music for fun ****
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @_annabeahm (3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

77. John Hammontree

Designation Reporter Author Bio John Hammontree is a co-founder of Reckon. Currently he serves as executive producer of Reckon Radio, winner of the 2021 National Edward R. Murrow Award for best podcast. John also hosts the Reckon Interview podcast, an award-winning weekly series, and writes The Conversation, a weekly newsletter that digs into ideas, perspectives and people that you're not likely to find in other media. John is also senior producer and showrunner of the CNN podcast, Downside Up. He consulted on the hit podcasts, "The Mayor of Maple Ave." and "Father Wants Us Dead." John joined Alabama Medi...a Group in 2015 as an editorial writer and managed guest opinion prior to spearheading the launch of Reckon in 2017. John is a two-time winner of the International News Media Association’s award for Best of Video, a winner of the Green Eyeshade Award for Best Editorial Writing in the Southeast and a finalist for the Scripps Howard Award for Opinion Writing. He helps readers and listeners understand big picture ideas through historical analysis, policy deep dives and conversation.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @johnhammontree (5.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

78. Doug Westerville

Designation Reporter Author Bio I'm a sports columnist for after serving as an Ohio State sports beat writer for and The Plain Dealer from 2005 to 2016. I was named the FWAA college football beat writer of the year in 2011, the first year of the award.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @douglesmerises (39.3K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

79. David Luces

Designation Reporter Author Bio @siadvance breaking news reporter | plattsburgh state alum | email: ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @davidaluces (124 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

80. Dr. Gracelyn Santos

Designation Reporter Author Bio Dr. Gracelyn Santos, a part-time life & culture columnist for Advance/SILive, is a general and cosmetic dentist in private practice on Staten Island and mother of 3 daughters. She serves on the Exec Board St. George Theatre & is former trustee of Snug Harbor, SI Zoo, SI Mental Health Society, & Meals on Wheels. She is a former Miss Staten Island.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @gracelynsantos (775 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

81. Randy Miller

Designation Reporter Author Bio Randy is a native of Jeannette, Pa., a city 25 miles east of Pittsburgh, and has been writing about sports since age 15 when he was covering high schools and Pitt football for the Jeannette News-Dispatch. Since 1996, Randy has been a Major League Baseball beat writer except for three years when he covered hockey. He was on the Philadelphia Phillies beat from 1996-2011 and the last eight years has been a New York Yankees beat writer for NJ Advance Media (Newark Star-Ledger/ Known for his dogged reporting skills, Randy has won numerous writing awards over the years. He's been a Baseball ...Hall of Fame voter since 2006. Away from the ballpark, Randy enjoys steak and Italian dinners, country music and traveling, especially to Fort Lauderdale Beach.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @randyjmiller (11.1K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

82. Ann Marie Barron

Designation Reporter Author Bio Ann Marie Barron covers trending news for the Staten Island Advance and She has more than 30 years of experience covering local news, entertainment, social and health-related topics, and has a particular affinity for profiling Staten Island’s most intriguing personalities. Barron holds a bachelor of arts degree from Marist College, and has been recognized by the New York News Publishers Association for distinguished investigative reporting.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @anniebarron18 (27 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

83. Darryl Slater

Designation Reporter Author Bio Darryl Slater is an NFL reporter/analyst — writing about the Giants, Jets, and more — at NJ Advance Media (The Star-Ledger and He previously covered college sports in Virginia and South Carolina from 2004-13, working for the Daily Press in Newport News, Va.; Richmond Times-Dispatch; and The Post and Courier in Charleston, S.C. He is a 2004 graduate of Syracuse University. He can be reached at ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @darrylslater (13.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

84. John Tucker

Designation Crime Reporter Author Bio Crime/cops for The Plain Dealer/ VP of rabbit holes. Leadoff hitter for little league all-star squad. ****
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @johnhtucker5 (292 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

85. April Siese

Designation Reporter Author Bio Daily News Editor with a passion for breaking news as well as environmental justice. I have more than a decade of experience and previously worked at Daily Kos, CBS News, Quartz, and other outlets of note.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @ayetalian (1.6K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

86. Daric Cottingham

Designation Reporter Author Bio Daric L. Cottingham (she/her) is an award-winning multimedia journalist who currently covers the intersection of news, entertainment, and culture at Reckon News. She is a proud Southern Black queer, trans woman based in Los Angeles, holding a mass communications degree from Prairie View A&M University in Texas and a master's in Sports & Entertainment journalism from the University of Southern California. Previously, she worked as a multiplatform editor at the LA Times, in podcast editorial for Spotify, and freelancing for publications like BuzzFeed, Harper’s Bazaar, ESSENCE, and ...The Washington Post. In 2022, Daric launched her music column, Playlist Q, with Toronto-based LGBTQIA+ publication Xtra Magazine. Beyond her portfolio, she does advocacy work as a general board member of NABJLA, striving to make the industry more inclusive. Sneakers, animation, gaming, and sports take up her time when she's not focused on storytelling.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @dariccott (9.8K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @dariccott Get Email Contact

87. Anne Hayes

Designation Breaking News Reporter Author Bio Anne Hayes joined | The Post-Standard in June 2021 as a crime and public safety reporter. She covers topics including law, crime, politics and occasional human interest stories. She has covered the high-profile Robert Neulander trial and the 2023 Onondaga County Sheriff election and the closure of the Jamesville Correctional Facility. She graduated with an Online and Newspaper Journalism degree from the S.I. Newhouse School of Communications. She also received a degree in Political Science from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Feel free to contact her with tip...s at (315)313-2878.more
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @byannehayes (233 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

88. Hannah Myrick

Designation Reporter Author Bio Hannah Myrick is Reckon's Engagement Producer. She has a background in journalism and newsletter writing for local publications based out of the Seattle area, where she currently lives. Prior to joining the team in September, Hannah worked at media startup WhereByUs as the Director of The Evergrey where she wrote and produced a daily newsletter, ran its social media efforts, and shared stories of the Emerald City. When she’s not engaged in conversations around metrics and analytics, she’s probably off walking her dog Brick.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @hanmyrick (98 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @hanjo27 Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

89. Ben Tufts

Designation Reporter Author Bio Ben Tufts is a sports betting writer and reporter for Cipher Sports Technology Group and a regular contributor to several prominent industry websites, including, lauded for its data-driven predictive sports analytics. Known for co-creating and co-hosting an award-winning sports talk podcast, Ben has a distinguished academic background. He graduated magna cum laude from Quinnipiac University with a bachelor of arts degree in media studies. Ben's expertise lies in the NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA, as well as sports betting industry politics. His passion for sports and sports betting, combin...ed with his diligent, methodical reporting and research, set Ben apart as a valuable asset to the sports betting community.more
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90. Madelyn Gee

Designation Reporter Author Bio Madelyn Gee is the Gender and Culture Reporter at Reckon News. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she is a proud Baylor AND University of Texas - Austin alum (controversial, she knows). When she is not covering pop culture, lifestyle and entertainment, she is either watching horror movies or writing some of her own.
Gender Female Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @maddiethebeast7 (2.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Instagram @maddiethebeast Get Email Contact

91. Makaelah Walters

Designation Trending Reporter Author Bio Makaelah is Reckon's daily news and trending reporter. She is a former Julian Bond Fellow, where her coverage of politics and inequality in the South appeared in the biweekly newsletter Facing South. Previously, she was a news reporter at the Watauga Democrat. Makaelah has written for national publications, including The Guardian and Prism.
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @makaelahwalters (368 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

92. Michael Casagrande

Designation Reporter Author Bio Michael Casagrande is's senior sports reporter. He started his new role in 2023 after covering Alabama football and Nick Saban since 2009, joining in 2013. Michael worked at the Decatur Daily covering Alabama’s first national championship under Nick Saban before he went to the Sun Sentinel in South Florida to cover the Miami Hurricanes. He returned to Alabama to cover the Crimson Tide for starting in 2013 and has been here ever since. Michael is one of only a few reporters in the state to have covered all of Alabama’s national championships under Saban.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @bycasagrande (48.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

93. Ryan Talbot

Designation Buffalo Bills Reporter Author Bio Ryan Talbot is a Buffalo Bills reporter for and He has covered the team for the sites since 2016. In addition to his writing, Talbot is co-host of the award winning podcast, "SHOUT! The Buffalo Football Podcast." He graduated from St. Bonaventure University in 2006.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @ryantalbotbills (38.4K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

94. Troy Smith

Designation Reporter Author Bio Covering all things entertainment and pop culture for I'm new to Cleveland discovering the city through a fresh pair of eyes. Join me for the ride.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @troylsmith (5.1K Followers) Facebook Profile Link Get Email Contact

95. Kathrina Pineda

Designation Reporter Author Bio Kathrina Pineda serves as the Digital Content Editor at Cipher Sports Technology Group, where she covers the online casino industry. An expert in iGaming with honors in Journalism from Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Kathrina brings a wealth of knowledge to her role, delivering in-depth casino analysis, comprehensive reviews, and timely news updates that keep enthusiasts up-to-date with the latest developments in the online casino landscape. Kathrina’s dedication to accuracy combines with her ability to analyze industry trends to ensure readers receive accurate insights into the ever-evol...ving world of online casinos. With her contributions to the online casino industry regularly featured on prominent platforms, Kathrina has established herself as a pivotal resource for players seeking reliable and up-to-date information in the world of online gambling.more
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96. Mac Douglass

Designation Reporter Author Bio Mac Douglass is the Senior Sports Betting Editor at Cipher Sports Technology Group, with a wealth of experience reporting on sports betting politics, as well as individual sports. In addition to his specialization covering state sports betting launches, Mac provides Formula 1 analysis and betting tips for, and tennis commentary for With an English degree from the University of San Francisco and master’s studies in English composition at the University of Massachusetts, Mac brings a unique blend of literary skill and sports acumen to his writing. His have been featured on wide array high-traffic news sites across the US, reflecting his commitment to delivering accurate and valuable insights to readers and sports enthusiasts.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @mac_douglass_ (2.7K Followers) Instagram @macdouglass Get Email Contact

97. Ryan Leaver

Designation Reporter Author Bio Ryan Leaver is a highly experienced sports betting digital content producer for Cipher Sports Technology Group. He boasts an impressive writing portfolio, contributing to prominent platforms like,,,, and numerous prestigious news sites across the United States. Graduating with a degree in sports journalism in 2016, Ryan has amassed over five years of writing and reporting experience in the sports and sports betting arena. Ryan's knowledge and experience in sports betting span the globe, encompassing markets in the US, Europe, and A...ustralia. His expertise covers an extensive range of sports, including NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, European soccer, professional golf, and Australian sports like the AFL and NRL, as well as American sports betting industry politics. As an ardent supporter of West Ham United F.C., Ryan's genuine passion for sports fuels his dedication to delivering top-notch sports betting content.more
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @ryanleaver_ (272 Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

98. Ruth Serven Smith

Designation Reporter Author Bio Ruth Serven Smith is the education editor at and leads The Alabama Education Lab and several staff and audience initiatives. She serves on Alabama Media Group's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. The Ed Lab team's work has won awards and been recognized for its commitment to finding and covering stories that hold schools accountable and elevate solutions around the state and nation. Serven Smith was a 2022 member of the Online News Association's Women's Leadership Accelerator. Before joining, she was an editor and reporter in Charlottesville, Virginia. She is a graduate o...f the University of Missouri School of Journalism.more
Gender Female Author Profile Twitter @ruthservensmith (4.9K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

99. Howard Koplowitz

Designation Breaking & Trending Reporter Author Bio Howard Koplowitz is's Breaking & Trending Reporter for afternoons and nights. He has been with since 2015 and has served in a variety of roles, ranging from coverage of Donald Trump's first presidential campaign visit to Alabama to breaking news coverage of devastating natural disasters in the state to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on unemployed Alabamians . A native of New York, Koplowitz graduated from SUNY-Albany and previously held positions at weekly newspapers and news websites based in New York City.
Gender Male Author Profile Twitter @howardkoplowitz (1.7K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

100. Brendan Kuty

Designation Yankees Beat Reporter Author Bio Covering the New York Yankees. William Paterson University graduate. Hopatcong native.
Gender Male Author Profile Phone Number yes Twitter @brendankutynj (38.5K Followers) LinkedIn Profile Link Get Email Contact

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