Top 5 York News Websites in 2025
York News Websites
Here are 5 Best York News Websites you must follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. York Daily Record
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Serving more readers more often in more ways than ever before. The York Daily Record connects the people of York, Pa., with the news and information they need, using the internet, mobile platforms, e-editions, social media, email alerts, magazines and, of course, newspapers. Read the latest crime, entertainment, food, traffic and weather news from York, Pa.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 130.8KTwitter Followers 37.5KInstagram Followers 11.5K Domain Authority 79 Read Now Get Journalists Contact Get Media Outlets ContactsGet access to 25k active journalists, reporters, editors and media contacts in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of media outlet contacts you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at . We'll share active media list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. York Dispatch
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The York Dispatch is the best source for news about York County, Pa. Our mission is to be the key provider of news that helps residents of York County, Pennsylvania, make intelligent decisions as citizens and consumers and to be the preferred information source for matters of significant community interest.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 53.5KTwitter Followers 32K Domain Authority 66 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
3. ABC27 News » York
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ABC27 is a local source for breaking news, latest headlines, severe weather, sports, and traffic in Harrisburg. We cover the following Pennsylvania counties: Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Adams, Cumberland, Perry, and Lebanon. We're Central PA's leader in news, sports & information. follow this feed to read the latest news and breaking headlines on what's happening in York city, Pennsylvania.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 290.2KTwitter Followers 110.9K Domain Authority 80 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
4. Daily Voice » Pennsylvania
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Discover the best local stories, the latest breaking news, and current events happening in York, Pennsylvania. Business and Police news brought to you by Pennsylvania Daily Voice. The Daily Voice is a hyper-local community news organization that hosts 13 sites in Pennsylvania and over 100 others across the Northeast.MORE Facebook Followers 2.4KTwitter Followers 286 Domain Authority 72 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
5. abc27 » York
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Get York daily news headlines, breaking news stories, and in-depth reports around the clock here. is Your Local News Source for Central PA. It represents the digital home of ABC27 News and provides nonstop critical news and weather information to Pennsylvanians online.MORE Facebook Followers 290.2KTwitter Followers 110.9KInstagram Followers 25.1K Domain Authority 80 Read Now Get Journalists Contact